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greenhouse Greenhouse temperature swings

Nah, I have so many seedlings right now I am trying some new things. If it fails, so be it.

Everything is growing like crazy. I have 4 primos that have exploded lately. Got rennies all over and then my favorite pepper of all Jamaican scotch bonnet, eight nice ones.

Just enjoying trying new things, and less controversy, at least by my standards.

Check out these anuums, some kind of "chile verde" from Burpees, in a 20 gallon smart pot producing nice eating pods like crazy.

Very clumped....

Glad yer plants are doing well my friend, sure hope mine do as well as yers this year.... keep up the good work !

Everybody got put of the HOT greenhouse today....

Moruga, brainstrain, 7 pot brown...clumped starts from TEX16

RENNIE baby, getting ready to pod


7 pot brown
You plants are looking happy and healthy there armac. How is that clumping technique working for you in your opinion??
You plants are looking happy and healthy there armac. How is that clumping technique working for you in your opinion??

There are 3 plants in 20 gallon smart pot, they are already fighting for space.

They look good now, but they will get too big for this idea. Gotta try new things though.

any thoughts on this monster? found him today in the back yard


It's snowing in Amarillo today, and your plants are outside...That's how big Texas is!

Looks like one of those sand worms from Dune...

Awesome plants Rodney!
Damn thing was huge.....like to see the guy from Bizarre foods eat that one. It would have made a meal.

Justaguy here is one of your savina/fatali mix, that you sent me for FREE

Here are some more, weather is great here, but it will be too hot, too soon.

overwintered thai,from windchicken, with babies from discarded pods


burpee "chile verde" already producing


Jamaican scotch bonnest, orginally from midwestchilehead, lots of buds


rennies, really budding


two more rennies, a 007 from Butch, and a brainstrain


Mystery chinense in the flower bed, where I throw out loos seeds


some ripe anuums, maybe cayennes


rough looking primo

Plants still growing but changed gears this morning............fishing, 32 bass all a couple of pounds or bigger. My buddy's dog loves the fish.

My buddy fishes every weekend, lake is about 2 miles from Mexico. Border patrol choppers buzz you almost every trip.

Ever seen this fish? The only cichlid native to north america


an annuum enjoying the sunny weather

Lately my greenhouse temps have been dipping into the mid to low 40s on occasion and i have no idea why. We've had much cooler nights this winter without my gh temp ever getting below 60° until lately and at even milder outside temps than before. Its weird, I've not changed a thing so i can't imagine what is causing it. The cold temps have had no negative impact whatsoever (that i can see) on my babies but it has dramatically slowed pod production on my second year plants, and greatly reduced the size of the ripened pods as of late.

Anyway, looks like whatever you're doing is working well!