Greetings from Florida

Hi, I am a new poster. I recently have been trying and enjoying new and different hot sauces and peppers. I would like to try to make my own sauce sometime, but I would like to learn more about it first. I know that many of you make your own sauce. Maybe you can direct me to some sites where I can read up on it a little. I can also recommend different sauces that I have tried and enjoy to all of you. Looking forward to browsing your forum.
Hello and welcome. is one of my favourites for sauces and various receipes and its nicely laid out for naviagation but don't be fooled by the home page, the hot sauces title brings you to commerical sauces, you want to select the receipe title, then on your left side of the screen is a large listing. go down to hotsauce and you'll spend hours getting ideas.
Welcome from Fort Worth

the search button on this forum is your best friend...
where in Florida are you?
Once again welcome and enjoy.Came from coral springs myself and have a great new year. R