Greetings from Holland (The Netherlands)

Hello everybody,

I'm new to peppers but I circle around a while on two different Dutch pepper forums.
Now I just make some time to introduce myself here.

I'm totally a beginner, I've never grown anything and taken care of plants except of my indoor houseplants.
At the begin of this year I saw on 24Kitchen (a dutch tv channel) Jamie Oliver planting / growing pepper plants, this decided me to start growing peppers.

Mid February I planted three different types of pepper (Bolivian Rainbow / Santa fe Grande / Habanero Tasmanian) and now has lead to 28 strong pepper plants.
I can not wait to put it permanent outside but the weather here in Holland does not really want to start with the summer ;)

In the meantime I have also written an free multi-language Android / Iphone / Ipad app for chilli peppers identification called Chilibase (Called after an dutch / english pepper database initiative This is already available in the Google Play Store and for Iphone / Ipad it still waits for approval from Apple.

I will post some screenshots in another topic immediately after introducing myself on the forum.

I wish everyone good luck and a lot of fun with growing this season.


Tjerk from Holland.
:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:
¡Hola! and welcome from south FL