This is kalimazoop saying hello from my new user name after a long break from the site. I started a new business called Rub It In making small batch BBQ Rubs and Spice Blends. Still growing this year and fighting with the bugs
Here is more info on the Rubs if you wanna check it out.
I also have been busy putting together a new EP release with my band Guiro Grass which combines bluegrass guitar with the latin persussion instrument the Guiro. Finally got it out a few weeks ago. Check it out when you get a chance.
Take care, happy growing and see yall around the site.
kalimazoop > RubItIn

Here is more info on the Rubs if you wanna check it out.
I also have been busy putting together a new EP release with my band Guiro Grass which combines bluegrass guitar with the latin persussion instrument the Guiro. Finally got it out a few weeks ago. Check it out when you get a chance.
Take care, happy growing and see yall around the site.
kalimazoop > RubItIn