Greetings from Ohio

Greetings from Cincinnati, Ohio.
This will be my first year with the Moruga's & Butch T's.. Otherwise the lineup will also include Orange Hab's, Kung Pao's, Thai Chiles, Cayenne & hopefully something like a 7 pot / Douglah choc 7Pot....
:welcome: Greetings from North Carolina !
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]“The taste is followed by a vicious hot spicy bite…….” [/background] :fire:
Thanks for all the "welcomes". It's great to see such an active forum!
I may have met a few of you at Jungle Jim's last fall. I know I met you, "Defcon", while sampling @ your booth...
I'm acually taking a short break from working in my little garden @ the moment.. i just got the Butch T's & Moruga's in the mail from Jim Duffy on friday & it's killing me have to wait to transplant them. I'd never ordered live plants through the mail before these & "brain lapsed" on figuring in time to get the acclimatized to sunlight (after being boxed up for shipping) again. 6 little empty holes in the garden just begging to be filled with plants. :-)