sun greetings from sunny florida

Hi to all. I would like to thank THP and all involved in the Hot Pepper Awards. Was very happy to see we won the Hot Pepper Award for bbq sauce. Our first big award. Congrats to all the other winners also and to everyone else in the awards that particapated. That said now I have a problem with my dorset naga plant, all the leaves are falling off. Some of the branches are turning brown and resemble twigs. would anyone know whats causing this? Thanks for your ear. Legends BBq
Welcome ansulman, i can tell you what is wrong with your plant, it's broken.... :)

Hey Mick, what colour do Rats Turds end up?
what has your temps been and how wet have the plants been? the damage starting at the tips of the limbs...some limbs/branches are ok and others are not?

pictures would be a great assist here...

oy yeah...congrats on winning...

Doh....and welcome to THP
Ansul,need some ,more info and pics.Welcome by the way!I'm in Tampa area,Most of my plants are wintering just fine,gotta watch overwatering thios time of year,they have a slower metabolism.My annums are growing fine,fruiting like gangbusters,(jals,new mex and anchos)My Scotch bonnets are still fruiting but at a much slower rate.Lost most buds on carrib varieties recently due to a cold snap but new are forming.How old is the plant?If you have alredy harvested you might need to cut back some old growth.We've had a couple lite frosts but i move mine under cover.
sick dorset naga

plants are potted and I might have over watered. the temp here in florida has been between 60 and 80 degrees F. lots of sun also . The browning of the branches starts at the tip and works its way back to the main stem. For some reason the leaves are healthy but they fall off in the slightest movement. Have pics but cant figure out how to attach them to this post. can you help me to attach them.
Yeh bro just upload the pics to photobucket (free service) and then click on the image tag the paste it in your posty ;)

Sounds like too much water to me
Just the way you are descibeing the plant it sounds like water logged. Make sure you have drainage holes in bottom of container and try not watering till the soil is DRY
waiting for pics here like Nova a photobucket account (free) and upload to there, copy link and paste in here on your post...