HI there, I believe this is my first post here. I have 10 adult plants sitting in a 6.5 × 3.5 foot bed frame. They are indoors, and are getting natural sunlight through the south facing bedroom window. I have two heaters keeping the room at about 73°. I have them in about a 50/50 mix of Fox Farms ocean forest and happy frog. I'm using the Nectar for the Gods nutrient line. Most of my plants do have fruit, and are doing well. But I know they can do better, which is why I'm looking into grow lights. Oh and this is my first time growing pretty much anything lol. I did start late in the season, so that's probably why they have just really started to take off on fruiting. So anyways I am looking for recommendations on grow lights. I would prefer led for its energy efficiency and less heat. My budget is at max $250, but preferably less. I really appreciate any information and recommendations thanks. Here are a couple pics of my plants.