Grow Light - Regular Fluorescent ok?

+1 everything STC said. Good detective work on the bulb! I think his analysis of 24/7 lighting is good, too. Just check your temps as you get close to the seedlings, the T12s can run a little bit warmer--but maybe not if its 30-watts. You'll be stylin' with a 6500K but can certainly get started with the 3000K.

Your pot-up strategy and plant placement sound great. I really hope you can pull this off, It will be a lot of fun to watch. I wish more employers allowed baby peppers in the workplace... :cool:
Ok, went to WalMart and they didn't have any 36" flor other than the one I already have. So I went to Lowes and these are the two they had so I just picked up both. Should I use both and switch between the two since one has the higher lumens while the other has the 6500k?


Some of my peppers have germinated to the point where they are standing up and just have their cotyledon leaves. Do I need to still keep them in the plastic containers in the darker area for germination and wait till they get 2 real leaves to pot them and put them under the light?


put them in dirt and under lights now.
+1...if you don't get them under lights they'll end up 4" long and spindly...that happened to me with what I though was a dead seed in my germ tray. I pulled it out to plant some new ones and there is was searching for the light! 4" long and almost ghost can leave the ungerminatted seed in there though.

Oh...and I would try the 6500 to start with. Just keep them really close, almost touching the lights. I have had several grow to the point where they were touching and it still didn't burn them. Maybe 1 or 2" to start with, and keep us posted!

If you decide to try to get them to bloom under the light, you could switch and go to a little shorter light cycle and see what happens. I don't think you'll have enough light to push out peppers though.
put them in dirt and under lights now.
+1...if you don't get them under lights they'll end up 4" long and spindly...that happened to me with what I though was a dead seed in my germ tray. I pulled it out to plant some new ones and there is was searching for the light! 4" long and almost ghost can leave the ungerminatted seed in there though.

Oh...and I would try the 6500 to start with. Just keep them really close, almost touching the lights. I have had several grow to the point where they were touching and it still didn't burn them. Maybe 1 or 2" to start with, and keep us posted!

If you decide to try to get them to bloom under the light, you could switch and go to a little shorter light cycle and see what happens. I don't think you'll have enough light to push out peppers though.

Thanks guys! I now have the sprouted ones potted and underneath the 6500k light. I really don't like getting the starter mix moist, such a pia! The plants are within a 1"-1 1/2" of the light. I won't be fruiting the plants under the lights, this is just to get them going until it's nice enough for them to be outside. I forgot to bring some foil to put behind the poster, will bring that tomorrow.

Here is a pic of some of them:

Good stuff barney. Keep us updated.

Thanks, well, I just had a set back. After about 30-45 minutes of the 6500k light in the light has just turned off. It didn't blow but I don't know what happened?! I had the higher lumen light in before for hours without issue. I just unscrewed the light and put it back in and it's on again now. Did I get a bad bulb?

Edit: It just went off again, #$%#@! Guess I will change it back out and put the other one in for now...
Thanks, well, I just had a set back. After about 30-45 minutes of the 6500k light in the light has just turned off. It didn't blow but I don't know what happened?! I had the higher lumen light in before for hours without issue. I just unscrewed the light and put it back in and it's on again now. Did I get a bad bulb? Edit: It just went off again, #$%#@! Guess I will change it back out and put the other one in for now...
You might have an older fixture and the ballast might not like your new light??? The 3500 bulb will work, they'll just grow slower.
You might have an older fixture and the ballast might not like your new light??? The 3500 bulb will work, they'll just grow slower.

For sure an older fixture, this building is really old. :( I can't see what makes that big of a difference when they are both 30 watt lights, but I don't know much about lighting though.

I have an old T12 fixture, and it is really fussy about getting the prongs of the bulb just right. There might be some corrosion in there, and the ballast thing is possible, too. Mine works well when everything is just so. Maybe it just likes the old bulb!

I didn't notice any saucers or small bowls under your cups for run-off water. You do have drain holes, correct?

Also, I learned a tip from AJ for moistening starter mix. Fill your container with the dry mix, then let it sit overnight in a tray of water. The water will wick up through the drain holes and really hydrate the medium. It stays nice and fluffy that way.
Interesting thread since I'm limited to flourescent tubes as well. All the light topic threads are very informative, but I find some of them a bit too technical for my limited growing. Just give me a simple table! After reading this, I checked my tubes - there are 4x 48", 40W, 2250 lumens @ 5000K. Labeled 'full spectrum'. I hope this is okay for the veg stage.

So, tj, keep us posted on your progress!
Intermittent failure seems more like ballast than lamp failure. If the ballast has failed (get it tested) you'll be better off getting a whole new luminaire.
discussion is good, but what you really need to know about lighting comes out of books and research on the's all there...

you have to understand the relationships between light spectrum and what the plants use, then design your system to meet the requirements of the plant.

You also have to understand about intensity...what the plants need to grow...for instance, you don't need light as bright as the sun to grow seedlings but you want them to grow without having to "stretch" for the light...stretching causes legginess and leads eventually to plant failure...don't quote me on this but I think I remember that the sun is about 11K+ lumens per square foot but I have found that anywhere between 1000 and 3000 lumens/ft2 work fine...I don't remember where I read it but I have read that 3K lumens /ft2 is suitable for mature growth...

there is tons of information on everything to do with lights here on this forum and I am not trying to be mean, but the search button is your best friend once you learn to use it...I can't tell you how many pages on this forum I have read...

If you are interested in my growlog, check out my has a lot of information on what kind of lighting I am using and at what stages the plants get those lights and how long those lights are on, etc....
I have an old T12 fixture, and it is really fussy about getting the prongs of the bulb just right. There might be some corrosion in there, and the ballast thing is possible, too. Mine works well when everything is just so. Maybe it just likes the old bulb! I didn't notice any saucers or small bowls under your cups for run-off water. You do have drain holes, correct? Also, I learned a tip from AJ for moistening starter mix. Fill your container with the dry mix, then let it sit overnight in a tray of water. The water will wick up through the drain holes and really hydrate the medium. It stays nice and fluffy that way.

The ballast are very picky in this building, the lights have to be in just right. The 6500k light was in good, it just for some reason turned off after awhile and didn't want to stay on then. I have the other new light (the higher lumen) in without issues. It stays on with no problem. This ballast has never had issues staying on, just with the 6500k light for some reason.

Yes, I have drain holes in the cups. I had just put them up there and hadn't made my makeshift drip pan. I used skinny shoe box lids with heavy plastic shopping bags fitted around them. Hey, gotta use what I have around! LOL. One question: I have seen people talking about bottom watering. I have a spray bottle that I have been using to keep them a little moist but do I need to also do some bottom watering? I am going out of town this weekend so my peppers will be alone from Friday night until Sunday night. When I get back into town on Sunday I will come back to work to check on them. I'm really hoping they will be ok! Maybe I can fill the bottom tray with water? I really don't want to ask my employee to check on them on Saturday because I feel the peppers would be worse off :confused:.

They have greened up nicely since yesterday.

I want to give a shout out to romy6 for these seeds, thank you!!!

Awesome tip on the seed mix. It took me forever of putting a little mix in the cups, putting in a little water, stir, stir, stir, drain all the excess water, put the moist soil into another cup, and repeat about a hundred times. I will get this better method going for the new seeds about to pop up. The one pepper I REALLY wanted to grow this year is a true Scotch Bonnet. The seeds I got from another user for some reason aren't wanting to germinate for me :( I have been trying to get those seeds to germinate since November. I just started a new set along with the rest of these seeds on Jan. 27th.

AJ, thanks for your reply, and I do know how to search and I did do that. I am like PaulG in the fact that all those threads are so technical and about more advanced set ups etc. I just needed to know if what I can do will 'work'. I know it may not be the most technical or ideal set up, but it's what I've got to work with right now.

Do I need to move this thread somehow to update on the progress? I don't want to upset anyone about this post. I really appreciate everyone's help. I appologize about my newbness, but we all have to start somewhere.... Julie
understand totally tj...but, a simple setup is what we all start with and make improvements to our process each year...or at least I try to...

I was not trying to demean you in any way by the, being an anal retentive mechanical engineer, well, hope you understand...

as time goes by, and as your experience grows, you will eventually let the plants tell you what they want or what is wrong with them...
understand totally tj...but, a simple setup is what we all start with and make improvements to our process each year...or at least I try to...

I was not trying to demean you in any way by the, being an anal retentive mechanical engineer, well, hope you understand...

as time goes by, and as your experience grows, you will eventually let the plants tell you what they want or what is wrong with them...

Thanks, AJ and np, I didn't mean for my reply to sound defensive in any way :) I checked out your glog, very impressive. I only hope I can some day get to that level and knowledge. I just started last year getting into growing my own peppers and tomatoes and hope to get better. I plan to try and make my own hot sauce this year, I go through a lot of hot sauce!
One question: I have seen people talking about bottom watering. I have a spray bottle that I have been using to keep them a little moist but do I need to also do some bottom watering? I am going out of town this weekend so my peppers will be alone from Friday night until Sunday night....

....Do I need to move this thread somehow to update on the progress? I don't want to upset anyone about this post. I really appreciate everyone's help....

Plants are looking good! Congrats!

Bottom watering is awesome, as you just fill up the tray and the water soaks in. Mine take about 5 minutes. This makes a really hydrated medium, and it lasts bout 3 days. I let is dry until the top of medium is noticably dry (brownish) and the weight of the plant is about half. IMO, keep the very tiny seedlings on the moist side. As they get bigger, cut back the watering.

I dump the excess water from the tray after watering. But for your 3-day away, you might leave like 1/4-inch just in case. To test, you could bottom water today and see how it looks on Friday just before you leave.

I do spray water from the top from time to time, but its just to raise humidity as I'm in a very dry room. I run a fan at the same time.

Regarding your post here, I hope you keep it here. You'll get a bigger audience and what you are doing is more general growing and experimental. Also could inspire someone else! Maybe in a couple of weeks, finish this thread and start up your own G-Log beginning with summarizing your accomplishments. Sometimes the Admins will move a thread if in the wrong spot, also. You're good.... :cool:
Thanks a bunch Siliman, I really appreciate your kind words and help! I will try out the bottom watering tomorrow, I top 'spritzed' them this morning so I will test it out tomorrow so I don't get them too wet. I tried to find a small desk fan to put on them but no one around here is carrying them yet. I'll have to wait till they start getting summer stuff in.
One other small tip in regards to the distance of lamp to the seedlings. I've been able to go 2-inches with T8s at the tiny seedling stage without burning. Your bulbs are different, so don't know for you. Some people test by using the 'back of the hand' comfort test. But you get a cheap thermometer and lay it across the top of one of your cups and see what readings you get at different heights, 80-ish would be good to shoot for.

The first few days are crucial in keeping a plant from getting too leggy. They need good light applied and not too hot. Your new plants not out of the woods yet.... :cool:
How warm is too warm? I came in this morning to my 2 lemon drop babies laying over and a little dried out. The rest of the peppers look good. I had the Lemon Drops in a little section of egg crate because that was all I had at the time and they were smaller than the NuMex Big Jims and African Tunisian's (all from romy6, Thank You!). I'm thinking they got a little too warm and dried out a little. They also are too far above the soil since the egg crate was shallower I couldn't plant them as deep. I sprayed them fairly good to try and give them a drink and I'm hoping they stand back up soon. I have some of the larger yogurt cups now to put them in and plant them deeper. I've been watching them about 45 min. to see if they perk up hopefully :pray: . Should I go ahead and try to pot them up or wait? I don't want to hurt them since they seem more fragile at the moment. I'm thinking I should go ahead and get them in the bigger cups.

Edit: After uploading this pic the one on the left is starting to stand on it's own again!

NuMex Big Jim

I brought an indoor/outdoor temp from home and it is reading around 87.8 up by the light. I think the first night they were up there I didn't have the foil on the back of the poster. Now that I do have the foil up I think it made the temp raise up a bit. I have been keeping the store temp warmer at 73-ish to try and help them out so I think all I need to do is adjust the store temp down some more. What is the ideal temp for the babies?

One good thing is I decided to give the 6500k a try again and it went off after being in there for a couple minutes, just like last time. I then twisted it around in the ballast some more and it seems I might have found the lucky spot, it's been on for 50 min now....
