I think you should give it a shot, with these limitations: Keep in mind a plant will only grow well directly below a lamp like that. So if you had a long skinny row of seedlings it might work. You wouldn't want to put a whole tray of seedlings under there, but you could cut the cells so it is 1/3 of a tray just a few inches wide.
Also keep in mind seedling need to be 'tended' regularly, like every day! IF it is easy access to the light fixture, IF you can adjust the height of the plants to the light to keep them as close as possible without burning them, IF you can check them for water without disrupting the place, it becomes possible.
Try to find out the type of light bulb is in there--it has markings near the end. Also, If you can hang a poster, perhaps you could hang a sheet of foil behind the poster and get even better light reflecting.
Don't rely on it as your only option, but put a few test plants in there and let us know. You'd have a story to tell fo sho. It's great to have the best light spectrums and associated items, but you can still grow stuff without all the fancy/schmancy. It might surprise you and us....