contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

Plant has quite a few ripe pods now.


My Laughing Brass Buddha of Abundance (with help from his Dragon)[SIZE=13.5pt] has been providing positive karma for my Prik.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]He was put in charge on 6 June when my Prik Kee Noo was only 8" wide.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]Today's picture shows it's now 30" wide.  He is absolutely loaded with pods and buds are forming like crazy ![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]Only a few pods could be judged full grown, all are green, but no hint anywhere of[/SIZE] [SIZE=13.5pt]any turning red.[/SIZE]
I have 2 Priks, but the one I planned for the competition is something else, a cross or mutation of some sort. I don't think I mislabeled it, but I suppose it is always possible.

The one I hadn't planned of using for the competition is actually coming along really well, but I don't know if I'll end up with any ripe pods.  I love the plant, though, and it looks like it's going to be a huge producer.

First one looks like a cayenne of some sort. Funny enough, I grew my priks next to cayenne last year, but I didn't save any seed from those plants, so I don't think it is a cross. The seedstock plant was in my office with no other plants. It could be possible that a cayenne seed snuck into the bag, it should have stuck out like a sore thumb though, cause the seed would have been significantly bigger than the rest.
I am at a loss, its a good looking plant though. I think it would be awesome to have a prik/cayenne cross, it would be crazy prolific and tasty if it crossed the way I would want it to. Maybe I will have to start working that out.
I agree with ghostpepperstore we need more pics.  


Plant is about 40" across and 30" tall, I would guess there is about 50 ripe pods hiding in there.
Mine isn't a contender anymore. It is healthy and putting out a lot of pods, but it hasn't grown like my other hydro plants. 

vs. my TSBT in the same hydro system right next to the prik. 

I know the Thai peppers will never get as big as a chinense, but I expected a little more from my small prik. 
So I let the plant go an extra week before changing out nutes, hoping that some unexpected stress might help heat the pods up a bit more. Fingers crossed.


Here she is in my kitchen sink. This thing is effin huge!

And as you can see, pods are finally starting to ripen. To of close to 200 pods, I've only pulled 4 ripe so far. Hurry up!

So you guys all have a chance to catch up with me now. My 250W HPS kicked the bucket last night. All I have for a backup is 34w of fluorescent....FML.