contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

The pods have to be red to count?  Even though my plant ain't that big, it has lots of pods...I don't know if I can
count them all anyway, accurately.
Sorry your plant died Scratch.
roper2008 said:
The pods have to be red to count?  Even though my plant ain't that big, it has lots of pods...I don't know if I can
count them all anyway, accurately.
Sorry your plant died Scratch.
I don't think they have to be red, (Scratch can clarify) but they do have to be picked to be counted. Several of us vowed not to pick green pods somewhere in the last 10 pages or so.
Would anyone care to take a guess?
Just a reminder, the grow ends in 5 days, so start thinking about that peak time to harvest, both for maximum yield, but to also allow yourself enough time to get the harvesting done. Like I said, it took me 3 hours to harvest mine, so keep that in mind.
I'll be picking this weekend. My work week is too hectic to spend that much time in the garden for just a couple of additional day of sun. Should have mine up by early Sunday. Probably a couple hundred, but no where near 630. :eek:
What is mature? 99%of mine are round so they don't "look" mature? it doesn't matter anyway :tear: I don't have that many. about 100 or so
Okay, so each one of us is about to have a basket full of little pods. What are we all planning on doing with them? Sauces? Powders? eat 400 fresh ones before they go bad? meticulously cut them open and save a bazillion seeds for next year?Let's hear some ideas because I have no real plan yet myself. 