contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Nice looking Birgit's there, won't be long till we are talking four or five feet with some of you lucky people that live in nice warm places, till the hot weather hits and you have to drag out the shade cloth or move your plants to a shady spot.
Then we midwestener's will take over with our plants Ha Ha!
Well...I didn't use any shade cloth last year, and it does get kinda hot here...but not too hot that the plants'll quit growing. I still ain't skeered!!!

Here is my Sunday update...

Birgits 1 still in 5# as a potential replacement plant...and an attempt at pruning and training is falling behind...


Almost 26" and in last place...


In third...but quickly making up some ground is the 18 gallon plant...


Without the leaf curl from the mite attack may actually be tied for second...Solid 27"


Second place is the other replacement plant...


Just shy of 27.5"...


In the lead again for the first time in about a month...and growing like a weed is the inground plant...


Little blurry, but about 28.5"...

I've doubled the dosage on the liquid drano and clorox I have been using and been dusting them with Comet cleaner daily... :liar:

Looking forward to more updates folks!!!
Okay guys, here's the tallest of my Locoto babies, still standing after windchicken-induced copper poisoning, several late season Arctic air masses, clouds of ravenous insects, and vast armies of glistening hornworms. (The antique 7 Up bottle is an artifact from my garden.)
It's a good thing I don't have a competitive bone in my body, because otherwise, Shane and KD, I would be visualizing a Biblical swarm of locusts descending on Southern California :cool: But that thought would never cross my mind, because we're all chile head brothers and sisters here....
