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contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Be afraid!

I ain't skeered!!!

These were the "small ones" that stayed under the lights a few extra weeks...5# backup team...may prep a couple more plots once they fill these pots with roots...We'll see.


Here is one of the original two "large" plants to make it out into the big bad bug infested world. Starting to figure things out after a brief stall.


And the inground...same story with the bugs and cool nights, but better weather is in the forecast and I have some tea for her to drink today...That stake is a 12' section of pipe...hope it's not enough, figure I can duct tape some bamboo to the top later WHEN it needs it!
Damn, you guys have the grow going on, last frost due in two days then things will start warming up enough that I can move all my plants outside then look out, things will be much different as the midwest gets going.
Ditto, same here in the Piedmont of North Carolina. My 'puppies' are hardening off outside during the day but growing slowly.
This has been a strange Spring ! We have a lot of catching up to do.... Come on Kudzu extract .... do your thing !!!
I liked those two...because you said your plants are still small! :rofl: Nah...I hear ya. Once your temps warm up you all will be a force to be reckoned with! Our night time temps stay very cool here, so its not optimal. I think the southern boys will be tough to keep up with later on though. Jamie, Gary and the Guru will be tough to beat without some type of tragic plant accident. Which reminds me...Jamie, Gary and Guru can you please send me detailed directions to each of your garden locations?
I liked those two...because you said your plants are still small! :rofl: Nah...I hear ya. Once your temps warm up you all will be a force to be reckoned with! Our night time temps stay very cool here, so its not optimal. I think the southern boys will be tough to keep up with later on though. Jamie, Gary and the Guru will be tough to beat without some type of tragic plant accident. Which reminds me...Jamie, Gary and Guru can you please send me detailed directions to each of your garden locations?

LOL...Porter the dog will take care of those guys plants for you ;)

I just UpCupped mine...lol
Went from 16oz to 32oz.......
But things are warming up here :)
Yeah its been a weird Spring this season, last year This time I had plants in the ground and growing as the days were already upper 70's and 80's, I have the feeling we may have a short spring as it could turn hot which will be ok for my peppers and other solanum plants, but hell on my spring peas and salad greens. I will need to figure away to keep my sister's dog from eating my outside garden pepper plants, Discovered that we may have a seriouse rat problem outside near the garden so I will have to get a few traps set, just to make sure just what is digging all those damn holes in the yard and garden area.. :confused: