contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

 Yep Rodney Bacc's hate the mid summer here. Next year I am gonna start this competition in June and end it in March  ;)
Here is my Birgit. Not a winner but healthy and producing pods. Finally was able to actually eat one. Great pepper good call Kevin!!!
I agree Jamie! Kevin hit the spot! Without your Tebow'd have been in it to win it at this point. I think that poor gopher died under my plant and is now feeding the thing...smells like it anyway. Poor little guy...don't know what he may have eaten to get him so sick??? :hell:
Hi all, I have been away do to some bad health problems which I ended up having more surgery, my plants are looking pretty good and are filled with peppers, I will try to get some photo's soon,  but as I'm having to rest up and not do anything other than heal up and get strong again, I'm pretty much out of the contest. While I was in the hospital We had some bad weather and I ended up having to get another computer and several other electrical appliances, which set me back some, no I didn't have renters insurance.
I have had to be away from the garden so its pretty much gone, my peppers are still producing, but as I can't do any garden work  I have had to give up on trying to keep things going.
I have enjoyed growing Birgits locoto its really a heavy producer and the pods have a nice flavor and make a great pickling pepper its still making pods despite not getting watered much while other plants have dropped their leaves.
I'm still hoping to have some kind of garden next year even if its just a few potted plants.
 Damn Jamison that is a nice plant. It is a winner in my eyes/
JB I think you got Shane a little shaken ;)  . PA boy bringing the late charge to the house!!!! :party:
Linda that is a great haul. I think less is not always a bad thing in growing peppers. 
Went and checked my plants and gave them some water the tallest is just about 4 feet tall and they are all full of peppers more than i can pick I'll probably strip the plants and freeze the peppers till I have time to work with them. I will have a bunch of super hots that will need to be dried or made into a mash to ferment. My brother wants some powder and a good hot sauce so the birgirt's will make a good base for the sauce.
I took my cam out and got one pic and then the bateries went dead so I really need to get some rechargeable batteries when I get payed on the 3rd. I turn 61 next month on the First it seems like just the other day I was 40, I still have a few good years left in me despite my health problems.
I can't wait to see who is the winner, I will have to see what all will be expected of us loosers to send the winner I have some Barrackpore and some Infinity seeds I can give out along with a million Birgit's locoto seeds.
Long time no update...I am right at 11' now with mine. She's still a little sick, but I gave her an aspirin and hopefully she'll shake the funk and finish strong.

Here is the big boy and two friends...still moving real slow.


Picked a bucket full off them today.

My container plant took a beating in a recent wind storm. I stood her up twice and added two bamboo stakes to the tree stake I was already using and she still got pushed over. So...

I added some cord as "guy wires and she looks almost straight again...this one took on a strange growth habit half way through the season and started branching like crazy...under the leaves it looks like spaghetti...
Well one month to go folks!!! Gonna come down to the wire for sure. Nights have been pretty cool here in the low to mid 50's but daytime temps are still in the mid 70's...No danger of frost here by Halloween though... 