contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Aight's on beechez!!! :woohoo:

X4...I'm sure by Monday morning I'll have way too many, anyone need a Birgits??? :rofl:
You don't get any I'll attempt the whole plant in the mail thing if mine do well...I think you'll pop one soon. Took me over two weeks also...

I'm kind of wishing I had accepted the free seed offer, instead of using the ones I had on hand, which were from a seed swap last year. I think fresh seeds might have made a difference.
I'm kind of wishing I had accepted the free seed offer, instead of using the ones I had on hand, which were from a seed swap last year. I think fresh seeds might have made a difference.
I will have some extras...and will treat them right until they're big enough to send you one/two if need be. I think you'll get one rolling! I would send you my biggest and best for sure! :liar:

Ok...maybe my second biggest... :rofl:Just give me a shout, will be at least a few weeks before I would chance it, and I would have to see a break in your weather. I would PM Kevin if you need fresh seeds and see what y'all can work out!!! Good luck Bonnie...I'll be watching for your sprout update.
Yeah, Shane, me! It's been almost two weeks, and I've got nothing! Too bad that first sprout croaked ...

Shane, Bonnie and I would like a few plants: thank you so much dearest darlink, sweetest one, handsome, strong, gentle, compassionate MAN! (Was that manipulative begging over the top? :rofl: )