contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

I like that!
Most pretty, so far means not most big. Mine can attest to that; in fact, I can't say any of mine are pretty. OK, so mine, so far are the tall gals at the sidelines of the dance that no one wants to dance with.
As long as the ugly ladies win...LOL
They are however showing some growth, although they're slow.
I have one, maybe a second, that's showing real promise. Time to start "pushing" them a bit. But, I have several others that are just sitting there.
I feel a really good choice was made this season for the growdown. It shouldn't be an easy grow. It certainly has me working, and thinking.
I'm ready for the ballistic part of this!
Here's mine, looking pretty bad due to the old mix holding too much water after I changed from top to bottom watering. Moved them into some new mix and 6 inch pots today. Still have hope they'll bounce back and take out the competition  :D

Now we're getting somewhere :) Big jump from two days ago. Here are my two.
Pepper-Guru said:
Aji Chunco (2014 Growdown contestants)

Here's a little surprise for the boys and girls over in the "2014 Growdown Glog" :)  One special Aji Chuncho will be going into the HUGE plot of whats left of the compost pile. That pile is ALL property of one pepper plant. Once leveled out somewhat, a two foot tall by 12 foot 'round pile of YEARS of compost and well decomposed mulch will aid in assuring the optimum growing environment for this lucky plant.

Don't fret. These plants get HUGE. Mine was 7+ft last year in a fabric container. Thousands of pods. Bhut Jolokia-ish cheezy, flavor with Tabasco heat level. Good stuff :)
wayright said:
They start off finicky,but when they get tha shine,,they will go ballistic!   
They are the only thing this year that wouldnt harden properly for me,,(almost killed em)
TRUE, Kev: "finicky" and am suspecting rootbound not helping but w/this crazy weather . . . all will be well by Monday! Scott, I think your plant is pretty. 1. It's in dirt. 2. It's growing out of the warpy phase!
Day temps haven't been quite as nice here this week...

Yesterday was the coolest day this week at 101, and to top that off, my drip system quit working. I finally came home yesterday to some pretty bad looking plants. No water for almost 2 weeks, 100+ days and single digit humidity will do that. I gave them all a deep drink and a few hours later most perked right up.

Here is the same plant two weeks later...not much growth, but looking good all things considered. 