contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Started some seeds today.  Two seeds in each Peat free coconut coir starter cup. However the seedling mix I'm using is a Blend of 70-80% canadian sphagnum peat moss, perlite, dolimite lime and organic wetting agent (yuca extract).  What's up with peat? Is it no good?  I guess we will find out.  I have two other seeds that I'm germinating in coffee filter and ziplock bag. 
twilliams386 said:
Haha I don't think I've ever eaten anything on board that train. Kinda makes me wish I would've. Spaghetti would've been fun
That's all we did that summer was BBQ, trip and play hackey sac. That and roman candle / bottle rocket wars. 
D3monic said:
That's all we did that summer was BBQ, trip and play hackey sac. That and roman candle / bottle rocket wars.
Mine always ended up getting way out of hand. I don't know how we didn't kill someone or at least put them in the hospital. Sky rockets, firecrackers, m80s, artillery shells... Fired my rockets with shoulder mounted conduit bazookas. Pretty damn accurate for a bottle rocket.
Scuba_Steve said:
Mine always ended up getting way out of hand. I don't know how we didn't kill someone or at least put them in the hospital. Sky rockets, firecrackers, m80s, artillery shells... Fired my rockets with shoulder mounted conduit bazookas. Pretty damn accurate for a bottle rocket.
I had some idiot swinging a mammoth smoke and a big glob of flaming wax plopped onto my head and burned onto my scalp. That sucked. My brother got really bad burns on his arm jacking around with a shell in the garage. He cut the wick and was trying to be funny and held the two ends together pretending it was still in one piece and dared me to light it. It burned so fast he didn't drop the shell and it went off in his hand and shot the flames up his arm before he threw it on the other side the garage before it exploded next to some propane tanks. ... dumb bastard. 