Lovely spring day here in Indiana, thought I'd share some photos, got most of the pepper seedlings out for some water and hardening off. I'm trying to keep seedlings small, it's too wet to plow or till, looks like mid to late May for getting in the ground. You can see my Thai's are quite puny, about 4-5 inches for now. I did put some osmocote, very small amount, in everything. I'm happy with them. I did have my first bloom from Purple Haze from Enrico, lovely flower! My bees have been very busy pollinating every thing in sight. I got into the hives looking for brood and they were already capping off honey! I quickly put on supers, and now my strongest hive looks like a skyscraper. I'm going to need a ladder to harvest. The weather forecast for next week looks pretty chilly, back to the 30's. Everyones plants really look marvelous!