contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Pr0digal_son said:
Took alittle longer than expected but all 3 have popped.
What kind of soil is that? I like the looks of it
Not much to report.  The first batch germinated 2 out of 3, and I have another 4 (hopefully) on the way.
"Trinity," the tallest of the two seedlings to pop so far, out getting some sun.  She's worked up to an hour of mid-day sun at a time and should soon be good to go all day. 

The neighbors think I'm completely nuts, running in and out umpteen times a day to re-arrange the small plants on my table...  :woohoo:
I screwed up and allowed "Priscilla," the second Thai, to get slightly sunburned and bleached.  She recovered nicely in a few days, but the stress slowed her growth a bit.  Thankfully peppers bounce back quickly if not too severely injured.