contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

Except there are a few more of us...  :eh:  :whistle:  :cheers:
Sorry this is a day or so late, got my first sprout the other day. It went in the dirt and is looking good as of this am.
Put one more sprout into dirt this morning.
Will get pics of the one up and green in the am, but posting a pic of the first sprout.


  • IMG_20160322_230957085.jpg
    56.4 KB · Views: 95
 They say "Good Things Come To Those Who Wait." We should all be in for lots of luck this year,Still Waiting. :confused:
these were started on the 20th as a backup to my in mix seeds
DSCF948913 days.jpg
CheriLBW said:
Sorry this is a day or so late, got my first sprout the other day. It went in the dirt and is looking good as of this am.
Put one more sprout into dirt this morning.
Will get pics of the one up and green in the am, but posting a pic of the first sprout.
 What kind of paper towel are you using?Is that a special weave,Is the ink some sort of colored starter mix?I need answers dang it.What side of the house did you start them on.Any and all secrets you have are required in the "Hot Pepper By-laws".Just pm me if you want to avoid litigation, ;)