contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

I have nothing as of yet, but I am still enjoying it.  Hoping that something pops. 
On the discussion above, I think that it would be funny if the pepper selection was some lame hybrid from one of the Burpee-ish sites.  That wouldn't bode well for seed trading but it would be funny in a sense because all of us are growing these wildly rare and exotic peppers and then one plant would be something like a Bell Candy Apple Hybrid or a Dancing Spirits Hybrid.
Ooh.  I hope no one is growing one of those.. :rolleyes:
got one 
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     At the risk of getting run out of here by an angry mob with pitchforks, I thought I'd share how my plants are doing.

     Planting heavy pays off! I think I'm at about a 25% germ rate. I'm kind of amazed actually. My chinense grow is pretty much a dumpster fire of failure right now. I think I'm beginning to see light at the end of the sewer pipe, but my plants are about two months behind schedule. 
     Whatever though. I like to think the lessons I learned by almost killing every one of my plants a few months ago have helped me become the master ( :rofl: ) gardener you see before you today.
I'm assembling a Lynch mob as we speak... Who wants in?
Well they are a bit young to move to solo cups, but I have some things going on this weekend and next week that will leave these babies in another's care.
Trying to make it as easy as I can for them to care for the plants.


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Well mine are still hating me...and congrats to the new pops. Don't forget the battery water, and another useful tip for max growth: snip them just below the cotties, that way they will put all that extra energy into a robust plant.
Set some red manzano's in the mix 3 days later and have 2 up already...getting worried here...
But I do keep giving them the eye :rolleyes:
Good luck to all!