I started 3 pots with a seed starter mix on 3-14.On 3-20 I started another batch in baggies.And last night in the "Last Call" mini run I put some in pucks and more baggies(coffee filter).I have a cutoff of 4-15 for my outdoor 50 plant reservation.By then any plants I move into Iowa dirt need to not only be started but also transplanted to a solo cup.I have a feeling that Mother Nature likes to remind us of who is truly in charge of the when and what for's as far as her growing schedule is concerned.Shall I not be able to join in the festivities,I assure you I will follow the grow down closely to make sure your plants dont have the look of plastic. 
3-14-16 pic taken today
last call starts

3-14-16 pic taken today
last call starts