Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

PaulG said:
Good work, Dean!  Your plant will fare much better
without having to support a bunch of diseased leaves.  
At the first sign of any other leaf problem, remove the
offending leaf to minimize spreading.
Hitting it with Bonide Fruit, & Nut stuff too..
Not even tax day, look at all those blossoms!!
mas_fuego said:
Winner Winner! Still in 1 gallon grow bags. Gotta repot this weekend.
Impressive, my friend.  I'm going to compost mine   :lol: 
Seriously, awesome poddage, bro!  Big, fat pods!
mas_fuego said:
Make no mistake, I originally said if I can go from seed to fruit I win. I am only competing with myself. This is my first year with any success at growing from seed.
Then you have already won, my friend.   :clap:   
That's why my motto is at the bottom of my posts!
Up here we grow where no chili has dared to go!    :D
Your plant looks great above and below the root crown!
Looks like the plastic bags work great.
Every pod a victory!   :dance:
Found this interesting link to info about Aji Lemon Drop
on the specialty produce web site.
PaulG said:
Then you have already won, my friend.   :clap:   
That's why my motto is at the bottom of my posts!
Up here we grow where no chili has dared to go!    :D
Your plant looks great above and below the root crown!
Looks like the plastic bags work great.
Every pod a victory!   :dance:
Found this interesting link to info about Aji Lemon Drop
on the specialty produce web site.
I checked out the website. Most of the information seems like it could be accurate besides the point of the shu, they say it's relative to that of a hab... Am I mistaken or aren't habs usually between 200k and 400k...... Not 30k-60k... Oh well lol. Great looking plants folks. I don't wanna post mine. It's still smaller than my pinkie HAHAHAHA
Blitz527 said:
I checked out the website. Most of the information seems like it could be accurate besides the point of the shu, they say it's relative to that of a hab... Am I mistaken or aren't habs usually between 200k and 400k...... Not 30k-60k... Oh well lol. Great looking plants folks.
I don't wanna post mine. It's still smaller than my pinkie HAHAHAHA
They all started out that way, my friend!   :rofl: 
My take on it was no one is exactly sure about it's ancestry,
which makes it interesting to me.  I looked at a few sites,
but this one had the most info, correct or not  :think:  I'm going
to ask my peruvian friend if she has ever heard of qillu uchu.
PaulG said:
Then you have already won, my friend.   :clap:   
That's why my motto is at the bottom of my posts!
Up here we grow where no chili has dared to go!    :D
Your plant looks great above and below the root crown!
Looks like the plastic bags work great.
Every pod a victory!   :dance:
Found this interesting link to info about Aji Lemon Drop
on the specialty produce web site.
That article is basically on point. The Peruvians said the same thing regarding flavor, colors, and the chinense vs baccatum issue.  And If I recall correctly, my photos of them in the markets and grocery stores included yellow, orange and red pods all called "Aji Limo" I even have a 35mm shot from my visit in the Amazon just outside of Iquitos and a village boy standing behind a plant. It was orange. I can clearly see though, that everyone's plants that have flowered are showing baccatum flowers correct? I think everyone's pods will end up looking like this: 

Here are the one's I found in Iquitos in 2015 (top left)

Also, translate this page for a good read on the subject....they are all laughing at us! hahah
Now I've really gotta go back and look at my Lima photos of them in the grocery store labeled LIMO.... will report back
You are correct Rich. They should all look like the ones in your photo. That's awesome that you've been able to travel to the origins of some of these chiles we grow.

Thanks for sharing with us, Rich.

I've grown the Aji Pineapple and the Lemon drop before. I believe they are the same pepper. I've also read that Limo is the same as the previous two mentioned. I think there is some mislabeling and or ID issue.

I've seen people share pics of their Limos and they are Red.
Thanks for the great info, Rich...
Our peruvian friend said she never heard of Aji Lemon Drop.  
She gave us some  Aji Limo seeds and said the pods were red.  
They didn't germ for me, so I don't know.  I still have a few   :think: