Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

I say this every year, but I'm, definitely growing less plants next year. It's been fun, but processing 30-50lbs of peppers every week or two has been ... demanding. I've had lots of support with the family though, and my Mom has been invaluable in helping pick, mash, dehydrate, vacuum seal, jelly, jam, can, blend, label, etc when she's been here. Even my wife, recovering from a bimaleolar ankle facture in June, has been out in the garden picking with me. We've been doing it. 
The upside to all the work has been a massive stockpile of mashed, aged sauce that I will open in about 8 years or so. The HEAVENLY smell of some of these mashes were just .... mmmmmm Especially, the mini rocoto and the sri lankan varieties I brought back. I can't wait to taste them. 
This also means I get to rotate open some new (to my mouth) but ANCIENT sauces! I just opened a Trinidad Scorpion and Fatalii from 2009 and oh . my. God.
Pepper-Guru said:
I say this every year, but I'm, definitely growing less plants next year. It's been fun, but processing 30-50lbs of peppers every week or two has been ... demanding. I've had lots of support with the family though, and my Mom has been invaluable in helping pick, mash, dehydrate, vacuum seal, jelly, jam, can, blend, label, etc when she's been here. Even my wife, recovering from a bimaleolar ankle facture in June, has been out in the garden picking with me. We've been doing it. 
The upside to all the work has been a massive stockpile of mashed, aged sauce that I will open in about 8 years or so. The HEAVENLY smell of some of these mashes were just .... mmmmmm Especially, the mini rocoto and the sri lankan varieties I brought back. I can't wait to taste them. 
This also means I get to rotate open some new (to my mouth) but ANCIENT sauces! I just opened a Trinidad Scorpion and Fatalii from 2009 and oh . my. God.
Haha I can imagine it's demanding.. ;)
10 kg Aji lemon drops from one plant? That is amazing. I don't understand how one plant can produce that much. 
Pepper-Guru said:
The upside to all the work has been a massive stockpile of mashed, aged sauce that I will open in about 8 years or so.....

This also means I get to rotate open some new (to my mouth) but ANCIENT sauces! I just opened a Trinidad Scorpion and Fatalii from 2009 and oh . my. God.
Holy CRAP!!! Talk about patience, haha! :clap:
Pepper-Guru said:
I say this every year, but I'm, definitely growing less plants next year. It's been fun, but processing 30-50lbs of peppers every week or two has been ... demanding. I've had lots of support with the family though, and my Mom has been invaluable in helping pick, mash, dehydrate, vacuum seal, jelly, jam, can, blend, label, etc when she's been here. Even my wife, recovering from a bimaleolar ankle facture in June, has been out in the garden picking with me. We've been doing it. 
The upside to all the work has been a massive stockpile of mashed, aged sauce that I will open in about 8 years or so. The HEAVENLY smell of some of these mashes were just .... mmmmmm Especially, the mini rocoto and the sri lankan varieties I brought back. I can't wait to taste them. 
This also means I get to rotate open some new (to my mouth) but ANCIENT sauces! I just opened a Trinidad Scorpion and Fatalii from 2009 and oh . my. God.

That 2009 Trinidad Scorpion is fing hot, but real tasty.
Rich, how do you store your mashes? Do you remove airlock after fermentation and just leave at room temp? I have last years in the fridge, but I want to leave this years in my basement at room temp.
Small harvest...
tctenten said:
Rich, how do you store your mashes? Do you remove airlock after fermentation and just leave at room temp? I have last years in the fridge, but I want to leave this years in my basement at room temp.
After I think they are good and mash-y enough, I pour whatever boiling vinegar I'm using for the sauce, salt screw the lids on (hot bath if needed) then they seal up and I store them away. When I'm ready for sauce down the road, I pop the seal pour it in the blender and go! 
Pulled a little harvest before showers set in. Looks like
it will be variable weather with little rain for the next
several days. So there should be more to come. Bwahahaha

previous total: 1057 gr
this harvest: 167.625 gr
new total 1224.625 gr 
As you can see my cat is interested in what's going on, but other than a negligible stray hair or two, he did not affect the official weight haha.
I wasn't able to spend much time this year on peppers, but I did manage to squeak out a few pods from the Lemon Drop plant.  At least I'm officially in the results :)
Got another pic which will blow your mind in a minute.