contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Dogmessiah said:
I am new here and just found this thread. Looks like an interesting competition. If anybody cares to send a seed or three my way, I will enter the competition. I don't need many.

Hey Richland. As long as Rich is cool with it, I'm happy to share with you.
I'm only now getting around to sending my SASE, and see that I've missed the cut-off date. Derp!  :confused: 
If  some kind soul could send me 2 or 3 seeds, I'd appreciate it. 
Will send SASE or PP a buck to cover your efforts.
I might be able to cover you.  I'm covering another member here, so let me see what I get first, before making any promises. 
Geonerd said:
I'm only now getting around to sending my SASE, and see that I've missed the cut-off date. Derp!  :confused:
If  some kind soul could send me 2 or 3 seeds, I'd appreciate it. 
Will send SASE or PP a buck to cover your efforts.
Geonerd said:
I'm only now getting around to sending my SASE, and see that I've missed the cut-off date. Derp!  :confused:
If  some kind soul could send me 2 or 3 seeds, I'd appreciate it. 
Will send SASE or PP a buck to cover your efforts.
Orekoc said:
I might be able to cover you.  I'm covering another member here, so let me see what I get first, before making any promises. 
Walchit said:
I should have extra seeds. Pm me
Any SASE that reach me after I do the initial send out, I'll still send back out. I'll send walchit extra and if there are any really late comers, he can handle those members. Thanks dude! 
If I send out today, here are the members all accounted for and marked "SASE/Paypal Received" that would get their seeds:
Crazy Monkey
Anyone not on this list that currently has an SASE in route to me will still get theirs sent back to them, but if you have yet to even send one, all further SASE are to be directed to Walchit as I will be sending him extra for latecomers. 
Good luck to everybody. I'll enjoy watching you beat
each other up from the back of the pack  :rofl:
edit: Forgot to say thanks again this season, Rich!
        Never a dull moment with The Guru  :D
Ruid said:
It seriously needs to be properly named.
Working on that now. Getting in touch with my contacts in Sri Lanka and sending them on a mission to put a name to 2 of the 3 varieties I brought back from there, including this one. Stay tuned.
edit: ok, dove deep and found out some more interesting information. Long story short, in the 1970's and 1980's there was a major leaf curl issue going on in Sri Lanka and there was a big push by the DOA to get all the villages to start breeding hybrids that have been made from the same main green/red annum chili used for drying. The official DOA names for the hybrids in this project range from "MI 1, MI 2, KA 2, Galkiriyagama, and most recently MICH3 (which I believe is the one I like the most and the one I refer to as "pheno 2". 
You see when I grabbed these pods, I took them from wherever I ran across them. Sometimes restaurants, markets, off the ground in town. Some were longer, some shorter, but all pretty much the same. Guess what...everyone just called it "chili"!!!    And aside from official articles by their DOA naming hybrids, there aren't any other names other than "chili". If you went up to cultivator working MI1 field in Sri Lanka, they'd just say "this is chili" same with a farmer in MI2 field and so on....what we are looking at is.......
Now if you guys want to call it MI1,2,MICH3, 456789er KA bla bla my guest, suit yourself! All I know is its GOOOD. 
As and aside I also found out the names of the other two chili I brought back from there. 
The "banana" one is HCA-01
The "Cobra" one is Nai Miris
Here is some further reading on the matter:
Maybe a naming contest.  It would be best if we all used the same name for it.  If not, I can see a dozen different names for the same variety, which is chaos, with a small "c".
I vote Sri Lanka Red.
Pepper-Guru said:
Working on that now. Getting in touch with my contacts in Sri Lanka and sending them on a mission to put a name to 2 of the 3 varieties I brought back from there, including this one. Stay tuned.
edit: ok, dove deep and found out some more interesting information. Long story short, in the 1970's and 1980's there was a major leaf curl issue going on in Sri Lanka and there was a big push by the DOA to get all the villages to start breeding hybrids that have been made from the same main green/red annum chili used for drying. The official DOA names for the hybrids in this project range from "MI 1, MI 2, KA 2, Galkiriyagama, and most recently MICH3 (which I believe is the one I like the most and the one I refer to as "pheno 2". 
You see when I grabbed these pods, I took them from wherever I ran across them. Sometimes restaurants, markets, off the ground in town. Some were longer, some shorter, but all pretty much the same. Guess what...everyone just called it "chili"!!!    And aside from official articles by their DOA naming hybrids, there aren't any other names other than "chili". If you went up to cultivator working MI1 field in Sri Lanka, they'd just say "this is chili" same with a farmer in MI2 field and so on....what we are looking at is.......
Now if you guys want to call it MI1,2,MICH3, 456789er KA bla bla my guest, suit yourself! All I know is its GOOOD. 
As and aside I also found out the names of the other two chili I brought back from there. 
The "banana" one is HCA-01
The "Cobra" one is Nai Miris
Here is some further reading on the matter:
Orekoc said:
Maybe a naming contest.  It would be best if we all used the same name for it.  If not, I can see a dozen different names for the same variety, which is chaos, with a small "c".
I vote Sri Lanka Red.
My Sri Lankan friend is going to help me find someone that can tell me another name they may call them , if it exists...
edit: ok his literal response was as follows: 
"#1 Red Chili #2 Puna Miris #3 Nai Miris"
So there you have it. Chili Red it is! buahahaha