contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

The Hot Pepper said:
Keep it what the natives call it, not every chili needs a name that sounds like a bag of Doritos. ;)
CaneDog said:
So, what, no Chili Red Extreme!! then?
internationalfish said:
I guess that means FLAVOR-BLASTED BA-LANK-A-LANK X-TREME RED ZONE is also out? :(
Then throw a few red superhot seeds in the bag, and call it < ^^^^^^ All that> Roulette.
Pepper-Guru said:
Seeds ... are.... sent..... now things get interesting.
the potting mix  for sowing is ready,
now we have to wait for the new year....
DontPanic said:
My seeds just arrived.  They look like they're in good shape.
Thanks for the Christmas Present!  :)
They should be! Everyone's got bubble wrapped, some got added cardboard to fill out their envelope (if longer), international members got tin foiled as well, and depending on the size/type of SASE sent to me, some members even got Christmas Cards :)
Everyone got 10-15 seeds and Walchit got hundreds. 