contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

The description sold me on Chili Red. :)

Edit: Also, please do put time zones on those start/end dates. Obviously it's not going to be a huge issue for production measurement, but being 14 +/- several hours off of the US, it turns just knowing when exactly things start and end into an issue.
Havent seen any more votes come in. Should we give it until December 1st or call it now? Also, never thought about this, but this year I made votes public so we can keep track of the votes from people that are actually going to compete vs onlookers. Sometimes people think they will get free seeds out of this and not grow or compete, they wont, ha.
If the Chili Red didn't sound so interesting, I would have considered going BG. The only reason I kinda hope it doesn't is that I just received my order of BG seeds, and my frugal side would hate to have to potentially order them again from elsewhere. Unless of course we can source those from WHP non-isolated. :P
I would really like to grow the Chili Red, though.
Can confirm, the Chili Red is delicious! Surprisingly thick flesh for the look. Hope this one takes the victory, makes a damn fine curry pepper, and I'd love to end up with a ton to ferment!
Also, slightly off topic, Rich, I'll have a bottle in the mail for you this week of my new stuff
EMN1-SS said:
Can confirm, the Chili Red is delicious! Surprisingly thick flesh for the look. Hope this one takes the victory, makes a damn fine curry pepper, and I'd love to end up with a ton to ferment!
Also, slightly off topic, Rich, I'll have a bottle in the mail for you this week of my new stuff
The more I hear about this chili the more I wanna grow/eat it I’m freaking drooling here [emoji1786]

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Can we know a little more about this chile red? I'm in zone 3, not a lot of time for fartin' around waiting for 27,344 pods to ripen...Please tell me they mature like Jimmy Nardellos....

I got no idea what "spamease" is, I typed "please" and it won't edit out...
Pepper-Guru said:
Havent seen any more votes come in. Should we give it until December 1st or call it now? Also, never thought about this, but this year I made votes public so we can keep track of the votes from people that are actually going to compete vs onlookers. Sometimes people think they will get free seeds out of this and not grow or compete, they wont, ha.
I'd say... go for it! :)
stettoman said:
Can we know a little more about this chile red? I'm in zone 3, not a lot of time for fartin' around waiting for 27,344 pods to ripen..spamease tell me they mature like Jimmy Nardellos....

I got no idea what "spamease" is, I typed "please" and it won't edit out...
Being annum, you'll certainly get fruit and ripe fruit before any chinense...They are putting out pocket peppers before I can get them outdoors into the ground.
In May after plant out:

The other annum I brought back from Sri Lanka "banana red - Kandy Market" is the same way. It is first to flower indoors before plant out:


Fresh pods in May:

Here it is in the garden. This was roughly a month after plant out. 

The other Sri Lankan pepper, that actually had a name offered along with it one morning during breakfast, was the "Cobra" - the first and only chinense I ran into while in the region. 
It was given to me during breakfast one morning by the hostel owner after realizing that I enjoyed spicy food and peppers in general. He called it "Cobra" and I snapped an iphone shot the moment it happened:

And then what it did in the garden shortly after bringing it back home.

Pepper-Guru said:
Being annum, you'll certainly get fruit and ripe fruit before any chinense...They are putting out pocket peppers before I can get them outdoors into the ground.
Very descriptive post, thanks.

So's you know, an anuum I grow, the Large Orange Thai, or Till Hell Freezes Over Pepper, as I like to call it, gives me a humongous bounty of pods, not one ripe one till the end of October. The one from last season is now a potted overwinter, with the hope that I can manipulate it's schedule a bit....

THAT is why I ask...