contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

stettoman said:
I sympathize, I competed in the 2017 Aji Lemon Drop Growdown during my first season cultivating serious peppers. I did not place, show or even rank. But it was a blast and helped me feel more at home among these spooky, spooky people.
That lemon drop was something else man, wow talk about kilos. Too bad it wasn't my favorite pepper to eat BUAHAHAHAH
Pepper-Guru said:
Just got done de-seeding. They are drying. I'm doing SASE this year. Making things super simple. Thanks for the idea nmlarson! If you don't already have my address, PM me so you can find out where to send your SASE! 
Great idea! Just wondering what stamps I should put on the return envelope, given that I live in Denmark - do these have to be US stamps? 
Pepper-Guru said:
Just got done de-seeding. They are drying. I'm doing SASE this year. Making things super simple. Thanks for the idea nmlarson! If you don't already have my address, PM me so you can find out where to send your SASE!
lespaulde said:
Great idea! Just wondering what stamps I should put on the return envelope, given that I live in Denmark - do these have to be US stamps?
Same here... can't really get US stamps in Japan.

Mind giving us furners a Stripe payment option?
lespaulde said:
Great idea! Just wondering what stamps I should put on the return envelope, given that I live in Denmark - do these have to be US stamps? 
I'm just the other side of the border and we don't have US stamps neither
GrumpyPepper said:
Probably a dumb question, what does SASE stand for? Could I paypal you a couple bucks and include my address?
Self addressed stamped envelope.

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Orekoc said:
Guru, I'll include some $$ which should pay for a couple of the international people.
This is a very kind offer of course, thanks! I for one would also really not mind to PayPal Guru some money for his efforts, they are greatly appreciated!

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