contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

sinensis said:
2 of them sprouted, you guys are in trouble now! (8 days after soaking fyi)
you spying on me yo?! how did you obtain this top secret germination key code?
The one on the right might seem like the obvious choice but I really like the shorter internodal spacing and bushier growth (which is hard to see in the picture) of the one on the left. I'm going to pot these up today and reevaluate in a week or two.


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Nice looking plants, Edmick.  So, I'm seeing two distinct pheno's in my 3 early.  In the blue corner, the growdown pheno 2 (MICH3) and in the red corner the disfavored pheno.  My take on the difference is the preferred pheno is less compact, has longer narrower leaves, a slightly greener/less dark stem, and more propensity for lateral branching early.

Of the 6 planted I had 4 sprout.  I saved 1 of the non-contest pheno and 2 of the contest pheno to pick from.  Seeds were planted 1/19, 32 days ago.
Walchit said:
I only did weird stuff to Ed's. Looks like you have the fatter leaf pheno, is that the only one you have?

And your plants are looking nice af. When did you start your seeds?
Unless I have mixed up the labels I think this is the only one ... I started this variety on the 23rd January