contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Just posting a couple pics of my non-growdown plant.  It seems to have been crossed with a chinense pepper because the growth patterns were very chinense.  Here are a couple of pics of the plant today:


I got my first ripe pod off of the plant.  Here is a pic:

When I cut into the pod, it had a very floral smell to it.  I tasted half of the pepper.  The flavor started out kinda bland and then became very bitter.   After a good 20-30 seconds the heat set in.  It was freakin' hot!  I haven't had any super hots this year so it is hard to judge but it definitely lit me up for 10 mins or so.  It was a whole mouth burn and it stayed for quite a while.  I would guess at least as hot as a Hab.  Not many seeds, but I saved what I could.
bpiela said:
Just posting a couple pics of my non-growdown plant.  It seems to have been crossed with a chinense pepper because the growth patterns were very chinense.  Here are a couple of pics of the plant today:
Interesting!  It doesn't look like it has a prominent constricted caylx.  But the viewing angle of the stem is somewhat blocked.
I have a couple more small weigh-ins.
I wanted to check out the flavor of the ripe Chilli Reds, so I pull two off for lunch on Saturday.

The heat level was higher when fully ripe (duh!).
I'm not sure I have a favorite (green vs. ripe).  It's nice to have a pepper versatile enough to use either almost ripe or fully ripe.
I had a second weigh-in today.  Critters have been getting at some of my other peppers, so I didn't want to leave them out.

This brings my total to:  7g + 11g + 23g = 41g.
On the topic of off-pheno Growdown Throwdown Chilli Red's, this one has an interesting shape:

I looks a little bit like it crossed with one of PepperGuru's Caterpillar peppers.
I'm curious to see how that pepper turns out.
Had a set back. A deer/deers decided to scalp the tops of my pepper plants.
Had to harvest at least half of the pods on the plant.
I like them green. So, that is a consolation. Hopefully the plants bounce back stronger



total till date : 04 g + 178 g = 182 g
roper2008 said:
My peppers seem small.  They average 3" not counting the stem.  Is this right?
That is the perfect "Growdown" SLCR pheno type, size, shape and color...where as the Original Chili Red is much longer, straighter and beefier. Photo comparison incoming:



ORIGINAL Sri Lanka Chili Red



a weird growdown double pod:

Pepper-Guru said:
DEFINITELY Aribibi Gusano in that one! I'm PRAYING for white on this one! If so...I WANT WANT WANT seeds!  

I'll keep everyone updated.
Although, I've heard red is usually a dominant trait in peppers.  If you cross a stabilized red pepper with a stabilized white pepper, the F1 generation will probably be red (this includes a simplified assumption that the color is controlled by a single trait).
But, in the F2 generation, 1 out of 4 on average might be white (again, assuming it's controlled by a single trait).
Anyways, it's definitely an interesting pepper.  :)
First off let me apologize for my lack of participation in the grow down.  Life got a little out of control this spring.  I didn't think I was going to have any plants survive the cold wet weather we had.  But I did have one survivor who still doesn't look very good but I did manage to get a few pods off to try and get on the board.  Hopefully I can nurse it along and get some more off of it. 49 grams so far and going to try them with lunch today.


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bpiela said:
Just posting a couple pics of my non-growdown plant.  It seems to have been crossed with a chinense pepper because the growth patterns were very chinense.  Here are a couple of pics of the plant today:


I got my first ripe pod off of the plant.  Here is a pic:

When I cut into the pod, it had a very floral smell to it.  I tasted half of the pepper.  The flavor started out kinda bland and then became very bitter.   After a good 20-30 seconds the heat set in.  It was freakin' hot!  I haven't had any super hots this year so it is hard to judge but it definitely lit me up for 10 mins or so.  It was a whole mouth burn and it stayed for quite a while.  I would guess at least as hot as a Hab.  Not many seeds, but I saved what I could.
I have two with pretty similar pheno...and I would put them at 4-500,000 on the Scoville. Hot as shit