contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

b3rnd said:
This is just the F1 though, right? F2 is where it's at! I'd save a bunch of seeds anyway. There could be gold in the next generation.

Edit: Oops, I meant to react to the person you reacted to.
Yes. So, when I grow the seeds out @ F2, I will be growing MANY and selecting for that color pod. As well as watching all the others for a potentially different phenotype. 
DontPanic said:
I'll be saving seeds.  Why not?
I'm still an amateur at the dark art of roughing out a cross, but I'm coming around to the viewpoint that it requires quite a few trials each generation, especially when trying to work out an undesirable trait in the flavor.
I only have room for about 40-50 plants, and a world of peppers to explore, as well as working in those varieties that I want to keep growing again next year.  As it stands right now, I just don't see myself investing in this particular cross.
I think saiias has the more interesting prospect anyways.
Yes. Grow them for sure. You could see some wild stuff in F2, absolutely. 
Sinn said:
What temp should the dehydrator be set at to get viable seeds after dehydrating?
95˚F will give you viable seeds, and also preserve the
color of your pods. Some of the best germination
results I have had came from seeds dried at 95˚F.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
My grow down plant is still only 18 " tall. Lots of
green pods that start to dry out as soon as they
begin to turn red. I don't like the flavor of the green
pods, so I will just let these dry on the vine. Not
much point in weighing anything.
Clever ruse, Guru   :rofl:
PaulG said:
My grow down plant is still only 18 " tall. Lots of
green pods that start to dry out as soon as they
begin to turn red. I don't like the flavor of the green
pods, so I will just let these dry on the vine. Not
much point in weighing anything.
Clever ruse, Guru   :rofl:
Muhahahahahahah! My evil plan has finally come together! 
In all seriousness, just weigh them in! Someone is at a KILO already! 
PaulG said:
My grow down plant is still only 18 " tall. Lots of
green pods that start to dry out as soon as they
begin to turn red. I don't like the flavor of the green
pods, so I will just let these dry on the vine. Not
much point in weighing anything.
Clever ruse, Guru   :rofl:
Pepper-Guru said:
Muhahahahahahah! My evil plan has finally come together! 
In all seriousness, just weigh them in! Someone is at a KILO already! 
Mine are behaving much the same. I'm finally getting one to ripen and it's dehydrating itself at the same time!! I tried one green--it had all the flavor profile of a blade of grass. The ripe ones look Szechuan ready...
stettoman said:
Mine are behaving much the same. I'm finally getting one to ripen and it's dehydrating itself at the same time!! I tried one green--it had all the flavor profile of a blade of grass. The ripe ones look Szechuan ready...
Damn...well...we tried....maybe next year...we go with an ISO only seed just for practicality's sake! For now though, I wouldn't give up! Weigh them green if need be! We got some real killers in here and someone is already passed a KILO! I am enjoying seeing all the neat F1's people ended up with on the crosses...I promise to grow them all at F2 for everyone to watch next year and make a thread for them. Let everyone chime in and decide which ones to select out for in the future maybe? Could be cool.
Seriously though! Don't get discouraged...I agree the red destroys the green in terms of flavor...but the Sri Lankan's ate them BOTH dried being their preference. Which now we see why...hahahah
WEIGH EM GREEN BOYS! We got ourselves a growdown to win! 
Pepper-Guru said:
Damn...well...we tried....maybe next year...we go with an ISO only seed just for practicality's sake! For now though, I wouldn't give up! Weigh them green if need be! We got some real killers in here and someone is already passed a KILO! I am enjoying seeing all the neat F1's people ended up with on the crosses...I promise to grow them all at F2 for everyone to watch next year and make a thread for them. Let everyone chime in and decide which ones to select out for in the future maybe? Could be cool.
Seriously though! Don't get discouraged...I agree the red destroys the green in terms of flavor...but the Sri Lankan's ate them BOTH dried being their preference. Which now we see why...hahahah
WEIGH EM GREEN BOYS! We got ourselves a growdown to win! 
Don't get me wrong, Rich, I was simply agreeing that mine are overmaturing at an odd stage of development. My other plant, same pheno, has no ripe ones yet. I haven't even picked one for competition yet.
Funny though, the plant on auto-dehydrate is a smaller, more compact specimen (not 2 feet tall), even though I have no doubt it's the exact same genetic model. The difference? One is in a plastic 5 gallon grow bag, while the other is in a fabric 5 gallon bag. I'll get a side-by-each pic up in the morning...
stettoman said:
Don't get me wrong, Rich, I was simply agreeing that mine are overmaturing at an odd stage of development. My other plant, same pheno, has no ripe ones yet. I haven't even picked one for competition yet.
Funny though, the plant on auto-dehydrate is a smaller, more compact specimen (not 2 feet tall), even though I have no doubt it's the exact same genetic model. The difference? One is in a plastic 5 gallon grow bag, while the other is in a fabric 5 gallon bag. I'll get a side-by-each pic up in the morning...
My plant needs a break from the killer heat we're having, even the greens are drying now.
I'm probably going to pull them all tomorrow to ease the stress on the plant. I think the orange pheno is dying :mope:

557+218= 775 grams.
I had alot of problems with them drying out on me earlier in the year, but havent recently. We have been in the mid 90s for weeks now. I've been watering with drip irrigation for 30 minutes every 3 days. I have another plant with similar pheno pods in a fabric grow bag (this one is in a raised bed), but it isnt doing well at all. Only about 12 inches tall, maybe 10 pods the whole year. Gets watered at the same interval.
Devv said:
My plant needs a break from the killer heat we're having, even the greens are drying now.
I'm probably going to pull them all tomorrow to ease the stress on the plant. I think the orange pheno is dying :mope:
No! What you think happened? I have a Rooster Spur that just decided to wither up and do that to me just this week...gonna harvest it/strip it and see if it perks up in a day or so, if it doesn't I'm pulling up by the roots and looking for root issues. No reason it should be doing that. Maybe a root knot nematode got me...
EMN1-SS said:
557+218= 775 grams.
 I have another plant with similar pheno pods in a fabric grow bag (this one is in a raised bed), but it isnt doing well at all. Only about 12 inches tall, maybe 10 pods the whole year. Gets watered at the same interval.
With the air pruning fabric containers...try decreasing your ratios for aerator A like perlite (creates air spaces), while Increasing "aerator" b like vermiculite (holds water and nutrients) Or get rid of them all together and add more organic matter. I actually went with 0% aerators this year. Completely all humus compost with a little sand in the mix (not ideal) and things are still pretty "airy" haha 
Pepper-Guru said:
With the air pruning fabric containers...try decreasing your ratios for aerator A like perlite (creates air spaces), while Increasing "aerator" b like vermiculite (holds water and nutrients) Or get rid of them all together and add more organic matter. I actually went with 0% aerators this year. Completely all humus compost with a little sand in the mix (not ideal) and things are still pretty "airy" haha 
Sounds pretty solid. I had all air pruning bags last year, and only 3 this year (2 datil and the other SLCR). This year I'm at probably 20% perlite, and was at 10% last year. Everything in the bags is noticeably smaller and more compact, and fruiting very inconsistently. I'm gonna do some more shifting around of methods next year, but I did really like the bags.
As promised. These guys grew side by side all season, same soil, same sun, same water, NO additional ferts but what the potting soil held.

I've known twins (human) who Mutt&Jeffed like this too...

Funny, the short squat model is way more densely packed with pods....
podz said:
Weather here in Finland has been pretty normal except for the first two weeks in July which were way cooler than normal.
In any case, my annuums have all produced heavily, baccatums are in the process of producing heavily as are the pubescens. I am expecting a harvest of epic proportions unless we get some sort of really freakish weather event such as a sudden, massive hailstorm or a hard freeze during September.
As you might imagine, though, my chinenses are not even podding due to the relatively low average temps this summer (20c - 68f).
Here's hoping you get a long, pleasant fall, Paul :-)
Glad to hear that prodigious amounts of pods
are coming your way, brother! Good luck
avoiding the weather nasties.

Pepper-Guru said:
Can't argue with that production though! Just look at that!
For sure, Rich. Cannot complain about that

Devv said:
I think the orange pheno is dying :mope:

stettoman said:
As promised. These guys grew side by side all season, same soil, same sun, same water...Funny, the short squat model is way more densely packed with pods....
I think that looks like normal genetic variation, Eric.
Even seeds from the same pods produce plants with
varying traits. That is why it is important to grow out
two or more plants of a variety. When I only grow one,
I cant be sure of what I have.

Looks like one is a grower, the other, a shower!
So the orange plant...It looks like it's under watered, but it's not, nor is it over watered. The leaves are wilting, but are not yet dry. It's been really hot here lately close to 100° by noon and that lasts until after 7PM. I'm now running 60% worth of shade cloth. Thinking about cutting it back a bit to take the transpiration load off it. It's in the Hugel bed and perhaps the grubs are feasting on the roots. We have what could be Rhinoceros-Beetles, or perhaps Ox beetles.
The pods came off the contest plant today. Just 3-4 weeks and our hellish weather should change. I can't remember the last time it rained here :confused:

I just wanted to take the load off of it, but it's still trying, flowers are here and there..LOL