contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Finally got around to doing something with all these pods

Final product was:
850g SLCR
250g sweet onion
1 LB probiotic packet for good measure
4% brine
Smells great and looks like Christmas!

Just got back from a 10 day vacation with no internet, so I've been out of touch.  My growdown plant is finally starting to recover and has some pretty good pods going now.  My other 2 off pheno plants are putting out orange pods too.  They are freaking hot but tasty.


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PaulG said:

I think that looks like normal genetic variation, Eric.
Even seeds from the same pods produce plants with
varying traits. That is why it is important to grow out
two or more plants of a variety. When I only grow one,
I cant be sure of what I have.

Yes. What I'm gathering from my studies as of late, is that every seed within every pod can potentially carry a different expression of allele combinations and react to environment differently, potentially creating a different phenotype for each and every seed. That is my limited understanding of it so far, but it makes sense. Like do all siblings look exactly alike? Nope. Even thought the parents were the same. Very interesting stuff. Definitely makes me understand why my habit of growing out many seedlings of each variety each year is so important for the correct or desired selection. 
EMN1-SS said:
Finally got around to doing something with all these pods

Final product was:
850g SLCR
250g sweet onion
1 LB probiotic packet for good measure
4% brine
Smells great and looks like Christmas!

I KNOW that's gonna be good! I bet it smells like heaven already! Huge batch too :) 
m1hagen said:
 They are freaking hot but tasty.
Yessir. The Darlin' Bride almost knocked the silly look right offa my head day before yesterday when I got her to try a ripe one. She started off with "Mmmm!", followed a few seconds later with "Milkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilk!!!!"
The heat only lasted 5 minutes or so and was pretty much focused on the sides of our tongues, but when the endorphins triggered we had a half our of mello bliss...
Yes Rich, mine quit dehydrating on me, though they are very slow to ripen.
Oh boy, my newbie luck has definitely run out... could use some help here  :pray:  :oops:
My competition plant looks well enough... Okay admittedly it looked well enough, I had caterpillars for the first time ever and it took me a while to notice. I thought the holes came from a grasshopper nymph I found one day  :evil:
Sooo anyways, the plant is putting out flowers but after a while they just shrivel up and drop. Pollination should not be a problem. I live on a balcony in the fifth floor and it get's pretty windy here. Also last years lemon drop and a Inca berry seem to self pollinate just fine...
Any ideas what could be off? All input/help greatly appreciated!
PS: All your plants look frigging amazing, and the off phone ones look also really interesting


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stettoman said:

Yessir. The Darlin' Bride almost knocked the silly look right offa my head day before yesterday when I got her to try a ripe one. She started off with "Mmmm!", followed a few seconds later with "Milkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilk!!!!"
The heat only lasted 5 minutes or so and was pretty much focused on the sides of our tongues, but when the endorphins triggered we had a half our of mello bliss...
Yes Rich, mine quit dehydrating on me, though they are very slow to ripen.
Yup, I thought the wife was gonna punch me.  Once she could talk again she said it got her on the roof of the mouth. Did go away fairly quick though.  Threw them in the dehydrator for flakes.
pfefferoni said:
Oh boy, my newbie luck has definitely run out... could use some help here  :pray:  :oops:
My competition plant looks well enough... Okay admittedly it looked well enough, I had caterpillars for the first time ever and it took me a while to notice. I thought the holes came from a grasshopper nymph I found one day  :evil:
Sooo anyways, the plant is putting out flowers but after a while they just shrivel up and drop. Pollination should not be a problem. I live on a balcony in the fifth floor and it get's pretty windy here. Also last years lemon drop and a Inca berry seem to self pollinate just fine...
Any ideas what could be off? All input/help greatly appreciated!
PS: All your plants look frigging amazing, and the off phone ones look also really interesting
Whoa, looks like the kids attacked it with a hole-punch!!
That nice green says healthy, blossom drop can be lots of stuff, but my guess is bug stress. I think you're just going to have to let it heal. They usually overachieve after a good insurgency.
Good luck!
pfefferoni said:
Oh boy, my newbie luck has definitely run out... could use some help here  :pray:  :oops:
My competition plant looks well enough... Okay admittedly it looked well enough, I had caterpillars for the first time ever and it took me a while to notice. I thought the holes came from a grasshopper nymph I found one day  :evil:
Sooo anyways, the plant is putting out flowers but after a while they just shrivel up and drop. Pollination should not be a problem. I live on a balcony in the fifth floor and it get's pretty windy here. Also last years lemon drop and a Inca berry seem to self pollinate just fine...
Any ideas what could be off? All input/help greatly appreciated!
PS: All your plants look frigging amazing, and the off phone ones look also really interesting

I just gotta.....maybe cuz it's growing sideways? :shh:
Devv said:
I just gotta.....maybe cuz it's growing sideways? :shh:
Well that’s the secret sauce. This way it grows at the same angle in respect to earth‘s axis as if it would grow in Sri Lanka. That’s like, botanic 101.

But seriously, is this a common problem? The images are rotated correctly on my computer...

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pfefferoni said:
Well thats the secret sauce. This way it grows at the same angle in respect to earths axis as if it would grow in Sri Lanka. Thats like, botanic 101.

But seriously, is this a common problem? The images are rotated correctly on my computer...

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Turn your phone on it's side when taking the pic. It will post correctly.
stettoman said:
Whoa, looks like the kids attacked it with a hole-punch!!
That nice green says healthy, blossom drop can be lots of stuff, but my guess is bug stress. I think you're just going to have to let it heal. They usually overachieve after a good insurgency.
Good luck!
Yeah, no idea where they came from... not one damn bee made it to my balcony, but some butterfly and its hungry brood did -.-

Anyways, thanks for the encouragement, I won’t lose hope just yet :D

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There was a severe thunderstorm last evening when I was away from home. My SLCR throwdown plant suffered significant damage with couple of stems broken off when
the pot fell down. Other plants suffered similar fate.

Sad. :(


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