contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Another harvest...I've never grown a more prolific plant maybe ever?
This one will come in at over 900g I'm guessing.
Picked these on Friday, but forgot to weight them in.  They've ripened up well on the counter.  This is probably about the last from this plant. I have a few more hanging red for saving seeds, but not much else remaining. The plant and pod quality have been recovering since the earlier season hardships, but I'll have to wait until next year if I want to see what this guy can really do here.
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This is what the pods look like on the 3rd pheno.  I'll be interested to see how they ripen.  And maybe what comes of the F2.
20190913 SLRX-ChP.jpg
ColdSmoke said:
Another harvest...I've never grown a more prolific plant maybe ever?
This one will come in at over 900g I'm guessing.
ColdSmoke said:
Official Weigh In



847 +1,026 = 1,873g
What ever got into that cross is certainly a carrier of the "pump the pods" gene! 
I've got a nice harvest out there on the plant but.......
I may be bowing out of this one soon....
I think my soil critters got to the root crown. It's been so dry here lately, they've been targeting my trunks and roots for water. 
It may be over for me guys...
Pepper-Guru said:
I may be bowing out of this one soon....
I think my soil critters got to the root crown. It's been so dry here lately, they've been targeting my trunks and roots for water. 
It may be over for me guys...

This is easy!
All you need to do is water your plant with Gatorade.  The bugs and critters will get re-hydrated, and go away, right?
DontPanic said:
This is easy!
All you need to do is water your plant with Gatorade.  The bugs and critters will get re-hydrated, and go away, right?
Generally, I would just pull it up, shake the roots out, replace with another plant, and dank tank the hell out of that soil. "Sink or swim new guy"...
But, in this case...I'll give it the good ole college try and attempt to just dank tank the soil hard, in hopes of driving these damn pill bugs and root knot nematodes out. Will have to hand water and ensure the top layer of soil stays saturated. 
The issue, I'm afraid isn't just the physical damage the critters do to the trunk, crown, and roots, but also the potential pathogens injected into the plant. They just droop all day and night when this happens, regardless of watering. So it isn't always a "nurse it back to health" thing, sometimes the plant is just done. Not even cutting back and potting into a small container to try and propagate like you would an overwinter will work. They just quit. 
But I'll try....
You know my Orange plant did that. It just withered and acted like it wasn't getting watered. I cut it back about 60-70% and it did come back. Won't help a contest plant though.
So zero, absolutely zero rain here since the end of June. We still in the high 90's, Like 97-99 °, about 8° high, maybe more. I'm gonna hang, with what's left..LOL
My buddy wanted me to tell you guys he was in the lead with 1295 the other day, but it looks like cold smoke surpassed that.

I pulled over 1200 grams off of the 3 plants I put in the dirt. There are some pods on my contest plant but I officially gave up.

Here's my pods from the back up plants.


There will be some Sri Lankan sauce made this year.