contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!


946g+63g= 1009g. Happy to top the 1kg mark! I probably have one final pull in the next week or so before having to pull up my plants. The weather has been great here, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was producing well into late November, but I'll be moving to North Florida in about a month. Here's to an even longer growing season!
Well, I think I'm all in.  Picked everything on the plants cause we getting threats of frost. 276g YTD + 658g = 934g. Thanks Guru!  I ground this batch and added 2.5% salt and put them into a fermenter jar for hot sauce. Should be hot!


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ColdSmoke said:
Final harvest...this plant has been incredible! Thank you so much Guru!!


1,873 + 1,324 = 3,197g
Here she before the last harvest...she was still setting pods! Frost last night so perfect timing on this. 

five pods per node
That plant produced like crazy. I like the look of the pods too.
Well, again, My season turned out to be a bust..... Not giving up. My grow down plants germinated but did not survive as I went though another BS move... But next year ITS ON..... Congrats to everyone.
Denmark reporting the final weigh ins, as frost arrived a month earlier than usual, causing me to have to empty out the garden early.



385g + 116g + 629g = 1,130g final

This plant is by far the most proliferative I've ever grown, thanks Guru! Harvested more than 460 pods, and this is what it looked like during its final hours:

Side view:


Top view (best picture ever, I know :D):


Happy I managed to get over 1kg, and congrats to the real growers out there nearing the 2kg!

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Pepper-Guru said:
What's everyone doing with the fruit? I've been stir frying the heck out of everything! Eating with sandwiches, etc

I've found these Sri Lanka Chilli Red peppers to be pretty versatile for cooking.
Their shelf live in the refrigerator is pretty good compared to some of my other peppers.  So far, I've been using them fresh in a variety of ways.
I've been throwing one or two into my shirt pocket when I go out to eat burgers or Mexican food.
They've been really handy when making Chili, Creole Beans and Rice, or a Curry.  I can throw several of them in much closer to when I'm finished cooking, so they don't loose as much flavor.
If I'm using a really hot Chinense pepper, I tend to throw them in earlier in the cooking process so that they have time to blend in.  But they loose a lot of flavor, and I can't use nearly as many.
I haven't gotten around to making powder yet, but I like the idea of making a powder with a heat level that normal humans can appreciate.