contest Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii

First pic: 7 average size peppers for 62.1 g
Second pic: 3 bigger pods weighing 39.0 g
Total of the day: 101.1 g
My new total overall:  240.6 grams


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Harry_Dangler said:
Weigh-In #4 8/24/2020
13 Pods = 104 grams
Total 57 Pods = 496 grams
Nice haul HD!!
Mr.joe said:
So when should I stop weighing in? Or shall I keep showing up with my pathetic weigh ins?
Don't give up yet Joe, anything can happen :)
+4 pods for another 31.9 g
Updated total of 272.5 g


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Peppergator said:
How many turning ripe you got on that plant? Just when I think I’m closing in you get another weigh in!
Maybe 7-8 that will be ripe in the next few days and many more to come but still green... 
Peppergator said:
My situation is the same. I think your pods are a slight bit heavier than mine on average. Game on!
Yeah, was a bit surprised to see their size as my first rounders were close to 10 g/pods in average. Looks like the upcoming will be smaller but we'll see about that soon enough.
Let's dance!!
Pepper-Guru said:
Both plants are loaded up. Gonna start laying the hammer down soon on harvest weight. 
Will also do a big post comparing the Seed Savers Exchange Fatalii and the REAL Fatalli. 
So far the real Fatalii looks to CRUSH the SSE in every way. 

I've actually been meaning to ask for a comparison
Pepper-Guru said:
Both plants are loaded up. Gonna start laying the hammer down soon on harvest weight. 
Will also do a big post comparing the Seed Savers Exchange Fatalii and the REAL Fatalli. 
So far the real Fatalii looks to CRUSH the SSE in every way. 
Sounds awesome Rich, can't wait to be ridiculed by your massive weigh in  :rolleyes: !!
My first time growing this strain and even if it is bhut like, the plant is strong, it is loaded with pods, pods are big, they taste pretty good and they do pack some punch! About the "real deal" Fatalii, I'm really intrigued now... Do, you think you could share (sell or trade) some seeds at the end of the season? maybe with the Growdown Throwdown contenders? If so, please write my name on your reservation list so I could enyoy the original Fatalii too next year!
Rock on!
Bou said:
Sounds awesome Rich, can't wait to be ridiculed by your massive weigh in  :rolleyes: !!
My first time growing this strain and even if it is bhut like, the plant is strong, it is loaded with pods, pods are big, they taste pretty good and they do pack some punch! About the "real deal" Fatalii, I'm really intrigued now... Do, you think you could share (sell or trade) some seeds at the end of the season? maybe with the Growdown Throwdown contenders? If so, please write my name on your reservation list so I could enyoy the original Fatalii too next year!
Rock on!
Yes.  I would like to get the real deal fatalii seeds myself.  I think these SSE fataliis are bitter compared to a yellow fatalii plant that I have growing.  Im using the SSE pods right now in some ferments I have going on.  Hopefully the sauce will not be bitter.  Let us know please.