contest Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii

Bou said:
Yeah, not too bad for a "northern" latitude harvest!!
Now I feel small and insignificant  :rofl:
 "Kudos to everyone for some massive grows!"
Walchit said:
Definitely the most pods ive ever pulled off of a plant at one time. There are a few pods left out there, but im pretty much done I think.

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Ps. I never sent out a care package to the winner last year, was that supposed to go to Rich?

Very nice! That plant kickin ass so far! As for last years care packages, I requested they all go to ColdSmoke. I think he was 2nd place. I gotta feeling he’s been holding back this entire time too... very sneaky.
Walchit said:
They are on the weber with some mesquite and pecan now. And I have Hunan elbow really bad.

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G.I.P. taught me this method of smoking peppers with the holes poked in the foil pan. Rest in piece brother.



Bou said:
That's it, I'm done as I just harvested all the remaining pods out of my plant.
So, adding the 435,7 g of this last Fatalii weighing brings me to an overall and decent total of 1 369,7 grams.
Wish you all good luck for the rest of the season. Even if Guru has an edge over every other contenders, will be fun to follow the race untill the end :fireball:
Thanks for joining us this season! Quite the performance! There are some incredible growers here. New and old members alike. Constant inspiration to always do better and to keep learning. I love this place.
Walchit said:
There are actually a ton of ripe pods on it again, when they were green I guess I didnt realize how many there were. Plus the weather has been crazy warm here for October. Supposed to get down to 34 this weekend though.
Holy balls, dude, that is an awesome plant. Glad you like the variety or it'd be a real mixed blessing. 
The freeze on the morning of 16 October got my plant.  We are done.
It took out all of my remaining plants too.  It's time and it was a good year.
We are in our first frost/freeze average window here so this was not surprising.
The first picture is of my harvest on the 15th.
Weigh-in #15 - 10/15/2020
31 pods = 172 grams
The second picture is my final harvest on the 17th.
I picked anything that had any color on it.
Weigh-in #16 - 10/17/2020
29 pods = 148 grams
Final Total:
282+31+29 = 342 pods
1,846+172+148 = 2,166 grams


  • Fatalii_10_15_20.jpg
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  • Fatalii_10_17_20.jpg
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Harry_Dangler said:
The freeze on the morning of 16 October got my plant.  We are done.
It took out all of my remaining plants too.  It's time and it was a good year.
We are in our first frost/freeze average window here so this was not surprising.
The first picture is of my harvest on the 15th.
Weigh-in #15 - 10/15/2020
31 pods = 172 grams
The second picture is my final harvest on the 17th.
I picked anything that had any color on it.
Weigh-in #16 - 10/17/2020
29 pods = 148 grams
Final Total:
282+31+29 = 342 pods
1,846+172+148 = 2,166 grams
Congrats HD, >2 kg is quite an impressive yield; you nailed it!! 