contest Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii

Lots of pods getting ripe each day.

56 pods at 244.74g
538 at 2,738.78g


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ColdSmoke said:
My plant got overrun with thousands and thousands of aphids. I harvested the pods and ditched the plant. I will weigh in tonight...tough season. 
If it looks like thousands it's probably millions. Oh how I hate aphids. Tough break, can't win them all. Growdown 2021 is just around the corner
Awesome to see that some of you are still bragging with endless weighing; keep on going hard guys as the end of the race is now in sight!
I know that this year growdown isn't over yet but since most postal services around the globe are slow AF (some still have huge backlog), wouldn't be a good thing to start looking for the 2021 edition already? I mean, right now it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months for mail to reach its destination and with the upcoming Christmas holidays, I can't see how things could possibly get better in a near future. Seeds hitting the dirt a bit later would not make much difference for the southern growers but for those dealing with a rather short season (and the white shit!) it certainly would... 
I thought the last time I picked pods that there were a lot of green pods hanging in there.
Well, I picked them this morning and it kind of confirmed it. It just had a yellow glow with the sun shining on it. 
105 pods at 608g for a total of 1033 pods and 6075.29g

Sheesh, now I got another bag of pods to get rid of.
Last harvest for me. 
Plants are done. 
This is the last of it. 
Its been one hell of year for the world, and one hell of a year for Fatalii! 
May Fatalii always reign supreme. 
Final harvest is: 1445 grams

13+171+1825+3876+5114+1445 = 12,444 grams total to date (or 27.5 lbs)
Final Answer. 
Its been awesome growing with all of you this year. I've really enjoyed it and really glad we chose Fatalii. You guys are some kickass growers and I'm glad to have met you all. 
Now we wait to see final totals from everyone, crown the king, and then.....its time to decide what we are growing next year! 
PaulG said:
Awesomer than awesome, Ritch!
Truly stunning results. I wonder what the total 
weight of the GrowDown would be?
Can't agree more with you about the "awesomeness" PG!!
As for the overall weight of this year growdown I'd probably guess around half a ton...!