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contest Growdown Throwdown 2021 XL Antep Aci Cross

Mr.joe said:
That was me. I get so many each year I keep threatening to start a hornworm growdown. I sent him over so that you can enjoy his beauty. Leave him there, he will grow wings like a beautiful bird
I have too many winged beasties in my garden already so this guy is not getting a break. Anyway he should stick to tobacco plants and not my peppers!
Sinn said:
Did you hulk smash that fucker?
I plucked him off and left him to the birds as I usually do with these !#@$ing invaders.
skullbiker said:
He must have imagined those pods were Lays potato chips........couldn't eat just one!
He got pretty big so had a good go at this plant. I need to start my nightly UV lamp inspections now.