No worries, we can just grow it by it's true name.
This is awesome.
Did you get any Locopica lines from him? Curious as to how those lines I sent his way are growing for others.

Is it just me, or is it hilarious that out of all the "breeders" on the show claiming accidental crosses as their "creation", the only one that actually knew how to properly emasculate was Aurea? I mean, how bad ass is she!? She's a gem among thieves. I bet that sauce she made was awesome and good for her if the deal with Church's actually comes to fruition!
I dig what the Johnny Capsaicin dude was trying to put together here though. His story arc with traveling the states to find the best breeders, making the best crosses. Sound's familiar, but with a spin. Maybe next season they will find better botanists, breeders or growers. Something tells me they aren't really going for reality though, and it's more of a series long ad for various small business. Which is fine. I love it. Imagine how much crossover viewership you could add to the bank roll if it wasn't glaringly ridiculous to a more versed audience. I felt bad for the Tom Broome character. It seemed like he actually knew a thing or two.
One more thing...if the two main characters are consistently reminding the audience that they are "about the science", "hplc this", and "capsaicin that", wouldn't you expect more of the science and less of the make believe, making pepper people look silly stuff? Just seems like they tried stuffing this bird too full. Again, happy for them all. Loved the camera work. That was done extremely well.
Anyway, as for the Growdown 2024, I like
@The Hot Pepper 's idea. Why don't I just make a mystery poll and then everyone votes for a letter? Only I know if I switched it in the end

. I will need a helper this year though. I've been busy and will be out of country end of this month so, I'll need a seed distributer to come forward and accept that role. I'll send them enough packets for only those who vote and agree to the same rules we ALWAYS GO BY.
Here's the poll!