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contest Growdown!

I'm interested in getting in on this too... I'll have to keep watching this thread to see what we're doing...

I'm down for doing it with seeds from theghostpepperstore ....

And I'll grow in topsy turveys just so the rest of you have a chance... LOL
Ok, so we're going for "most pod from a Prik Kee Noo Suan plant. theghostpepper store is willing to provide seeds(big thanks buddy!).

Now let's figure out the logistics, such as when we sow, when the competition ends, and rules. Do we allow hydro, or is this soil only? For indoor growers should there be a wattage cap to prevent someone from growing a mammoth under 1k or more watts of light?
Ok, lets do this thing already!

I think it would probably be prudent to open a new topic with a different title for this particular "growdown". That way we can continue ideas here and see if people want to go with one of other "growdown" ideas.

Are we going to be concerned with growing media? (Hydro, soil, etc) I have never grown these in hydro so I cannot say what would happen, i think it would be interesting to see.

Another thing to think about with this pepper is that it can thrive a couple of different ways. I have grown it indoors in a window and it has grown very tall and spit out a lot of pods. I have also grown it outdoors in full sun, in shade, in pots and in the ground. In some situations, as you can see from the pic, it will be very compact, 18 inches tall but get 3 feet wide with very tight nodal distance. So I don't think it would be a challenge to grow the tallest one, you could just keep it to low levels of light and they will easily get 5ft tall.

With a wattage cap, it should be a minimum and not a maximum. Even under a 1000W HID, its still not as many lumens/sq ft as the good ol' Sun. I wouldn't think anyone will take home the prize for biggest crop under a single CFL though.

Another thing with the crop. I think it should be a single harvest, largest number of "mature" pods, say measuring over 1/2 inch, green and red (both are tasty). People will probably have a few early pods that ripen way before the main harvest so I think they should be allowed to enjoy them before they spoil on the plant.

Have the deadline set and I would think people most people would want to harvest everything they can that day, so it also adds a nice little factor of "who can keep there hands off the tasty little things" before the harvest day deadline.

For comparison sake, here is the one I had in an office window a couple years ago.

2011-06-15 09.31.45 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Excellent ideas. I'm open to no restrictions on media, and the thought of a wattage minimum. What do you have in mind?

Since you have experience with these plants, how long does it take on average to get a decent harvest? That'll help us decide the deadline.

As soon as we hash these things out, I'll start another thread specifically for the competition.
I would say 120 days from germination until the first good harvest. I think we should make it at least 150 days and encourage people to try and push the plants to get as big as possible before blooming heavy.

I was kind of joking about a wattage minimum. People can try to grow them in complete darkness for all I care, but I don't think its gonna win. I don't see any advantage to growing under a big hps vs the sun either, should be pretty even competition.
So if we start on Feb 15th, that would put the deadline right around July 4th. Seems good to me. This also gives us a few extra days the get seeds to everybody participating.

Edit: it would actually be July 15th.
That sounds good to me. I easily have enough seeds to send everyone 10. I can supply up to 100 entrants.

If we make the deadline to sign up two weeks from today, Feb 5th that should give enough time to get the seeds to everyone by the 15th.
LOL! I thought this was going to be your glog, Scratchzilla! A Thai growdown. I guess I could fit one more plant. ;) I actually don't have a Thai in my 2013 grow, except for a clone from my Thai Dragon.

Cool idea.
Haha! If youre looking for my glog, see here:thehotpepper.com/topic/35510-scratchs-indoor-grow-2012-2013-damage-control-and-a-new-hope/page__fromsearch__1

And welcome to the competition.
I think we should try a pepper that is hard to grow and produces very little. Some kind of super hot. Something that will make it a challenge

Nevermind i see we picked a pepper already
Count me in ! - love the fact it is a fairly small plant so gives both indoor and outdoor growers a chance -- My Thai Hot Ornamental from Lowes actually did pretty well last year even in our heat - so would be interested in seeing how this type does as well !

I have 20+ types on Thai on my list for 2013, 1 more can't hurt. :)

  • Thai #00419-2551 F1 Hybrid
  • Thai #00554-2553 F1 Hybrid
  • Thai (2005) Large Red
  • Thai Cross (Orange)
  • Thai Dragon
  • Thai Hazelwood
  • Thai Norcal
  • Thai Orange
  • Thai Prik Che Fah
  • Thai Prik Jinda
  • Thai Prik Key GNU - Chaiprakarn F1
  • Thai Prik Key GNU - HOM
  • Thai Prik Key GNU - SUAN
  • Thai Prik Kjinda Dang
  • Thai Prik Mon Dum
  • Thai Prik NUM
  • Thai Prik Sod Dang F1
  • Thai Prik York
  • Thai Prikkinu Pedsiam F1 Hybrid
  • Thai Prik-Mondang Red Eagle F1
  • Thai Red
  • Thai Super Hot
  • Thai Yellow