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Growing Naga

Hello all am new to all this. So be gentle.

Right, members of my family have grown Naga's, but I am looking to grow my own. Mum used to grow them when I was a lil kid, but hasnt for many moons.

Anyhow, ol man buys Naga all the time, he cant have a dinner without them, so come across them loads, however, I was wondering can I use the seeds out of the naga, and will they gro/germinate? Mum recons they wont, as the naga needs to ripen fully whilst on the tree (usually are picked before then I assume). Any how, I have come across red naga's, as usually when we get them they are green. Apprently they go red, when riper, hence assumed I might be able to grow these?

Anyone able to shed any light on if my seeds i have are gonna dissapoint me?

If not, anyone have a hot strain of naga seeds? I hear the Dorset Naga is hot if not the hotest?
You should have no problem germinating seeds from pods not ripened on the plant.

If you can only find green pods then try putting them in a paper bag with a banana for a couple of days. The gas given off helps them ripen.

Hey there Gonzomagic.

The first plants I grew from seed in the UK were ASDA store bought Cayennes and Bell Peppers, which I took the seeds from and planteed, so it should be possible.:)
If your pods are ripe red then you have a much better chance of them germinating. Even if they are in the late green stage "ripe green" then they should germinate but in the early green stage, seeds are not mature yet
If your pods are ripe red then you have a much better chance of them germinating. Even if they are in the late green stage "ripe green" then they should germinate but in the early green stage, seeds are not mature yet

Excellent news folks, got a large selection of seeds in which case, does it matter how long I have had them?

As I think Ileft them on the window sill for about 2-3 months now? to dry out a little.
Gonzo...that should be fine mate, just check to see if they are healthy looking seeds. Sometimes you get teh little waifer dudes happening and they dont llike popping up. They should be fine though!
Scorpion said:
Gonzo...that should be fine mate, just check to see if they are healthy looking seeds. Sometimes you get teh little waifer dudes happening and they dont llike popping up. They should be fine though!

They did look healthy to me but aint seen that many seeds, but can take pics later and post them up on here? That were tiny, roundish, and fairly flat with a cream/yellow colour?
Personally I'd test germinate some seeds with the paper towel method so you can tell just what percentage germinate and how fast.
Personally I'd test germinate some seeds with the paper towel method so you can tell just what percentage germinate and how fast.

Right, now you have got me. Whats the paper towel method?
Put your seeds in a damp(not wet) paper towel, fold the paper towel and put it in a sandwich bag over a heat source.
For more info, do a site search
Your mom, excuse me, mum grew them when you were a kid????

Are you sure?

That may be the coolest thing I have ever heard, I just didn't think many people had even heard of them until a few years back.
gonzomagic said:
They did look healthy to me but aint seen that many seeds, but can take pics later and post them up on here? That were tiny, roundish, and fairly flat with a cream/yellow colour?

Tiny? 3-5 mm diameter? Just do what SeeYouJimmy said and you'll know in a month or probably earlier.

BTW, you only need to dry the seeds if you are planning on storing them, they are good to go straight out of the pod. 2-3 months on a windowsill isn't ideal but probably won't make any noticeable difference.

So - get them in some soil! :)

It's fun that your mom grew Nagas many moons ago. Most of the chileheads here (me included) hadn't even heard rumors about them a few years ago. We didn't know that they could be found if you knew where to get them.
cheezydemon said:
Your mom, excuse me, mum grew them when you were a kid????

Are you sure?

That may be the coolest thing I have ever heard, I just didn't think many people had even heard of them until a few years back.

Yeah, my mum is from Bangladesh (near India), so she grew up with them and most people grew them with ease there, and my dad adores them so buys them still on a weekly basis. She gave up as she found them hard work.

We like them very very hot, and the Naga's that originate from there tend to be very hot. My dad tends to buy the ones that are imported from Bangladesh. I grew up with them also, so kinda have developed a taste for them.

I think the 'Naga' originates from that part of the world, and describes the area where they grow.