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Growing Pink Oyster mushrooms in a pickle jar! : O


Hello Pepper Pals:

Someone was kind enough to mail me some pink oyster mushroom mycellium recently, and told me I could grow them in a jar with nothing but coffee grounds and filters!!!

: O

Here are shots of my pink oyster mushroom mycelium, and how I was instructed to begin this whole process...

First I made a pot of coffee and let the grounds sit for a couple hours while I sterilized the wide-mouth jar you see below, in boiling water - the lid too. I sterilized a pin in a flame, so I could push the pellet of agar and living fungus out of the plastic shipping bubble and into the jar - onto the coffee and filter. Then I closed the jar lid loosely and placed it in my dark cupboard - because it doesn't need light until it's time to fruit.

As you can see in the 2nd pic below, the white fuzz is beginning to grow. This is what I was told would happen, and that I must wait until the fungus spreads over the entire layer of coffee and filter, before adding another fresh layer.

You keep adding layers of fresh coffee grounds and filters, until you reach the top of the jar and the entire container is fully colonized with the culture. How very cool.

Then you take off the lid, and place a flimsy baggy ove the top, like the kind in the produce section, which keeps the humidity up and allows gas exchange. I am told I will be in mushrooms a week from this point!!!

: O

I will continue to show pics as this process continues, but I am very nervous and have never done anything like this before. The person who sent me the fungus is helping me though, so I feel somewhat confident.

We'll see...

: )



This is how they will look in the end.

I sure hope the person who sent me the mushroom mycelium won't mind me stealing their gorgeous shot, to show how beautiful these things are. I am so impressed and can only hope mine turn out like these...

: O


You are going to laugh, but I don't even drink coffee at all!!!

: O

Too funny, huh?

Ok, here is the jar this morning. Just look how much the white fuzzy fungus is beginning to grow now! I am getting really excited, let me tell you.

Like I was told, I must now wait and watch, as the mycellium spreads across the entire first layer of coffee grounds and filter, before adding a new fresh layer.

I was also told when I asked how to propagate the mushrooms and keep them going...

You might keep the culture going by breaking a bit off before they fruit and starting another culture. This will work for a while, but everything gets old.
Eventually a new culture might be started from spores. These drop out of the underside of the mushrooms when the caps flatten out. Spores are the purpose of the mushroom. A mushroom will release about half it's weight in spores in it's lifetime. Putting a bit of coffee under a sporulating cap would be an easy way to start a fresh young culture.

How cool!

Anyway, here is my beginnings of my pink oyster mushrooms. The white fuzz is really starting to grow and spread today...

: )

I used to grow different oyster mushrooms, usually on pasteurized straw. They are probably the eaiest type of mushroom to cultivate and are aggresive enough that sterile practices are not really necessary. Good luck with those pink oysters, they are a pretty variety.

Thanks guys!

Sounds like you have experience growing mushrooms, POTAWIE. Thanks for the information. This is not my first time trying this, however the first time was a complete disaster!

I had purchased these portabello indoor mushroom kits for my mom and I, and they were a total farce and a failure! The instructions were ridiculous and unclear, and I was refunded back my money because apparently everyone that bought them failed too!

It was such a discouraging and disappointing experience that I gave up on mushroom growing altogether! This method that I am trying with the pink oysters seems much better, because my mom and I's portabello kits turned out to be rotting, moldy, gnat infested, stink bags! I couldn't wait to throw them the hell out!

: O

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how it all turns out. Thanks for joining my thread and supporting me.

What a fascinating way to grow mushrooms. I'd love to try that but...if I start one more grow project, mrs. blues will go Lorena Bobbit on me. The fit will truly hit the shan when she finds out about the brewery setup I'm putting together.

Great work HBL.

Salute', TB.

Wow - so great that everyone is so interested in this mushroom experience!

: O

I hope that I can get real good at this and try some other varieties as well. This is just too cool. If I am successful, maybe later I can share some of the mycelium, like it was shared with me as well.

In the meantime, I am not sure how long it takes to colonize the entire jar, but I am told I will be adding new coffee grounds and filters every few days.

I was also told that if any water collects at the bottom of the jar, to add a sheet or 2 of paper towel, because the fungus will eat that too!

I keep opening my cupbard every few hours to have a look. I am like a kid at Christmas! The white fuzz is spreading rapidly. I will show lots of pics so you guys can follow my progress...

I'm really into mycology and have extensive growing experience. I've experimented with many different substrates, coffee grounds being one of them. It worked fine but I found colonization to be slower than other things and yields to be smaller as well.

If you plan to continue growing them, I recommend trying a casing from scratch, or use your clonized substrate and crumble it up to innoculate the casing.

If you need any help feel free to ask. I've grown hundreds of pounds since I did my first batch about 12 years ago so I'm very experienced in it.

I sure appreciate the offer to help, but I think I am going to just continue to take instruction from the person who sent me the myselium, or I will get too confused!

: O

I was already discouraged once, trying to grow mushrooms, and I could very easily be again. I think the idea behind the mushroom farmer sending me this particular fungus and doing it this way, is just so I can get my feet wet, and get some experience. Nothing too complicated to start with, just something easy and fun. I really am a beginner and this method seems do-able and uncomplicated to me, regardless of a smaller yield.

It is nice to know however, that people with experience can help me if I need it. I am just satisfied to watch how this goes, and see if I really can produce some mushrooms, even it it's just a little tiny crop. I will just be ecstatic to see any at all!


: )
That's pretty cool. :)

In a different way, it kinda reminds me of growing a sourdough starter...all the feeding and such.

I like science experiments. Especially the edible kind. :D