health Growing the wrong way...

So when I was repotting I was surprised that one seedling just fell out of the soil.

Closer inspection showed it was very confused with its seed 'hat' on its feet!

I snipped the seed case open and there was a root coiled inside. Carefully planted it back in some soil & after a week, it doesn't appear to be growing, but is not dead.

I wonder if this has been the cause of occasional seedlings initially looking fine, then dying for no reason...

btw it's a chocolate hab (from skydiver, thanks :))
That is definetely different. Personally if it does grow / survive I wouldn't save any seeds from it as they may suffer from the same problem, that's just me though. Heck I don't even keep slow growing seedlings, if they are weak or have troubles - gone -
Matt Berry said:
That is definetely different. Personally if it does grow / survive I wouldn't save any seeds from it as they may suffer from the same problem, that's just me though. Heck I don't even keep slow growing seedlings, if they are weak or have troubles - gone -
Survival of the fittest, eh?
Yeah, it makes for better genetic stock if you continue a selective breeding program. They do it with livestock all the time, plus mother nature is much more cruel then we are. We tend to nurture things along that would have died under normal circumstances.
Matt Berry said:
Yeah, it makes for better genetic stock if you continue a selective breeding program. They do it with livestock all the time, plus mother nature is much more cruel then we are. We tend to nurture things along that would have died under normal circumstances.

Yeah, like stupid people.