little update.
still in solo cups, tho beyond being unstable in wind, they dont seem to mind.
here's how they were... like 8-31 i think, prior to packing them up into a car, and driving like 100 miles.
immediatly, upon putting these outside, i have started to see damage from chewing insects. not sure who the culprit is yet, but i shall keep an eye on the situation.
heres how they are tonight... sorry for the poor photo. this was taken under a yellowish outdoor light.
they did get beat up a bit, some leaves got bent etc, but otherwise they seem to not have minded much.
this weekend i will put them up into 1 gallon bags. i bought some perlite to do the job, going to use my last block of coco for this job.
ill have to get some more prior to transplanting them into 3 gallon bags. as far as i know... there are 0 hydro stores in college station/bryan texas... so IDK where to look locally for the big cheap coco coir blocks. any ideas?
also regarding hot stuffs comments on chlorine... i learned some interesting, and somewhat disheartening news.
accorting to the water reports i found, collegestation/bryan texas has just awful quality water. its a tad harder than houston, in terms of carbonate... but in addition to the carbonate, its loaded with sodium like 190mg/l , and most importantly about 50mg/l Chlorine...
like i said, conductivity is .9mS.
so im guessing thats bad news. the tobacco, should it ripen would likely suffer from the excess chlorine? i have not jar tested the fertilizer solution i was using perviously, in this water yet... im guessing its going to be ugly, but perhaps not too bad.
i might buy some yara tropicote or something, if i dont get enough calcium into the solution, and top dress ocassionally...
alternativly i could try osmocote + calcinit etc, tho i would prefer not to.