Growth so far..

Here is my growth so far with 8 plantings still yet to germinate.
The only seedling I am concerned about is my Jolokia (2nd on left in front).That the one that had the seed still attached
to it when it sprouted.So I replanted another Jolo seed to be safe.Overall I am happy with results so far.Thanks to all the Fine and Friendly People on this site,my 1st attempt at growing has been fun and somewhat productive:)

Looking good Tom. I bet you can't wait for them to get bigger...Welcome to the Jungle is what my grow are looks like. Oh, and I agree, Altoids are great :lol:
Flex said:
Sorry to be a nub, but whats the idea behind the rubberband?

It's too keep the cups from nesting too tightly. With the rubber band there is a healthy amount of room for excess water to drain from the seed starting cup into the second cup.
The rubber bands are put on the cups because they extrude
the chemical Benzine Dylidium which increases the molecular structure of the plants stem which promotes stronger stem and root development!!:lol::lol: j/k:(sounds good though lol)
its for exactly what Pam said I just forgot to take em off:lol:
The rubber bands can create a seal that keeps the air pressure from allowing the water to drain out in under a day. But they won't properly drain at all if they don't have wicks to pull the water out of it's perched state.