food Guinness Fish & Chips

Yay! I love this one. An airline pilot with a wife in 3 cities. Dig!
Booo change the channel back.
:THP throws remote at TB changing the channel back to Lifetime just in time to see the finale where the pilot finally realizes his mistakes and promises to love his wife forever:

:THP weeps and is thankful for the Kleenex TB left him:
Yayyyy! Oh oh here's where the plane crashes.
You know the Germans make good stuff.
Man JayT, I can count the meals I like w/fried fish on one hand- (I always ruin it) That would be #1! Looks outstanding. Helluva job!
Try my recipe then Boutros, you can't go wrong. It's all about using good fresh fish, letting the flour (the dredge sit) for a bit, cooking it at the proper temp, and using the wire rack for draining so it doesn't get greasy. The Guinness batter doesn't hurt either. Give it a shot and let me know if you have any questions. You won't be disappointed!
I just reread this thread after pulling it out for belltold12 and his Guinness thread. I almost pissed myself laughing at the exchange between myself, Tb, and THP. I figured I'd bump it to give everyone a laugh.
Yes it was.

I like using cornflower with my fish and if I feel a little crazy, I also use some butter. a garlic-butter combo would be insane.
Just made this meal tonight but with a separate batter that was made for crispy chicken and I used Sam Adams Alpine Spring instead of the Guinness.... sooo good, my stomach is going to explode

and for the spicy part, I had grabbed some orange habs and stuck them into the batter and fried them up too, really good