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Habanero or something else?

Hi all. As this is my first time growing peppers, I'm unsure if the habanero's I have planted are actually habs or something different. The pods I have on my plant don't look like the habanero's I've seen before. The plants I have were purchased from either Lowes or Walmart, I can't remember which plants came from where lol, and are Bonnie plants that were simply labelled Habanero. Do I have something different, or am I just a noob and it's a regular hab?
It could very well be a cross of orange hab-yellow fatalii. If it is a Bonnie from Walmart or Lowes it really could be ANYTHING. Bonnie plants are famously mislabelled and crossed. Last summer, there was a slew of Bonnie hab buyers who received fataliis instead. I would take a fatalii over an orange hab any day of the week. A cross is still better than an orange hab. You scored!
I grew some bonnie habaneros last year from lowes and every plant turned out to be fataliis. Long yellow pods kinda like the one you posted not sure why they cant get their stuff labled right. Maybe the seeds they are using were crossed somewhere down the line im growing 4 bonnie habaneros this year and all are true orange habaneros.
Youll need a few more peppers to grow before proof of variety can be decided, since most varieties are cross of several varieties, and most are never going to be absolutely 100% , the only thing you can sure of is that its yellow

I've had scotch bonnets that grew long and with a tail from 18 month old plants, ive had ghost grow like a tiny dragon tia, or round ball off a plant that produced 400 perfect peppers
I'm with Pepperdan on this one. I planted my habs last season from seed, and they grew true. This year, the first handful of pods were bonnet shaped. Now they're on the second crop and all back to regular hab shape. Habs, and peppers in general, can grow in strange ways! Best bet is to probably taste one and see if it tastes like a hab even though it looks like ????? Good luck!
Thanks for the info guys. Got another pod that's just about ripe that's looking more orange than this one. The rest are all unripe at the moment but have the same shape. This is the first crop so I'll wait and see if the next crop is the same or more traditional looking. Either way can't wait to make some sauce!
If it is indeed a fatalli or fatalli/hab cross, what is the difference compared to a regular hab? 
1 more quick question. This plant seems to have stopped growing, and is at most only 12 inches tall. Is this normal? The plant is in a bed along with 2 tomato plants that are growing well, and some green onions that grow like crazy, so I'm sure it's not a fert/nutrient issue. My other Bonnie "hab" is in a pot, and is nearly 2 foot tall. 
MeatHead1313 said:
1 more quick question. This plant seems to have stopped growing, and is at most only 12 inches tall. Is this normal? The plant is in a bed along with 2 tomato plants that are growing well, and some green onions that grow like crazy, so I'm sure it's not a fert/nutrient issue. My other Bonnie "hab" is in a pot, and is nearly 2 foot tall. 
sometime they stall, it happens i have a purple hab doing the same thing just be patient and give it a small amount of Epsom salt with water that should help some
thanks your friend Joe
Last year the bonnie habs were fatalis and were labeled as habanero what you have looks like a cross of fatali X annumm or some thing the leaves on fatali are much rounder and the grouth pattern is differen,,,t also the leaves you have look slightly pubesant and are more elongiated than my fatali last year
Just wanted to update the thread. Plant hasn't grown much more than 12 inches high, and maybe 18 inches across. Not worried about it though cos it's putting out pods like crazy! Easily my top producing plant. After reading up some more and finding it very common for the 1st round of pods to look different to what's expected, wanted to give an updated pic of the peppers it's putting out now. Still have the same colour but have a more uniform shape now. Definitely thinking a cross of some kind. Either way I'm happy with it. Has made some great sauce, and makes some killer poppers!