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Habanero Substitute, Cherry Peppers?

I'm not sure if this would be the right place to ask this. I am running out of my hot sauce and waited too long to make a new batch and the local stores aren't carrying habaneros right now. The only peppers I could find were jalapenos, serrano, thai chili, some sort of long hot pepper, and cherry peppers.
Could I substitute the habs with the cherry peppers?
Welcome! A fellow LI pepper head.
You won't get the same heat. Thai might be the hottest of those. Not sure where you are but my local shoprite always has habaneros.
Thanks. I had grabbed some of the cherries and a couple of serranos to make up for the heat factor. But I will stop over at a Whole Foods on my way to work this weekend. I am in Holbrook. I think the nearest Shop Rite is in Medford. I'll have to check.
Anyone know anything about the awards? Been waiting it seems like forever to hear how we did? I'm sure who ever is in charge is working on it but know communication on this here? Happy New
Year 2015 !!
PrimeTime said:
I can't promise you they are nice habaneros but they have them.
Thanks for letting me know there's a source for habs in the winter. I picked up some and just finished bottling a batch of sauce. I'll be heading back there again over the weekend to get some more.
slingshot13 said:
I found myself in the same predicament. I searched everywhere and finally found some have way decent Habs at Walmart of all places. Almost embarrassed to admit it here.      
They came in 4oz packages for $4...  I don't know if that price is high or not...
Good luck
That sounds pricey to me. I can get them for $3.99 lb at my local grocery store.
In season, at the Meat Farms gorcoery store, they're $3.99/lb. Out of season at Shop Rite, they're $4.99 here on Long Island. BUT I had noticed, there are two Meat Farms by me, one a couple of miles away and a new one that just opened up down the road from me. The first one, always had their habs loose and $3.99/lb. At the same time, the new one, only had them pre packaged and $3.99 for about a dozen of them. Meanwhile, if I bought a dozen at the other place, it only costed me about a dollar or so.