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Habanero Suffed Olives

I was at my local Cabela's the other day and was looking around in their gift shop. Low and behold they had jars of Habanero Stuffed Olives. I had seen jalapeno stuffed olives there, but never the habanero ones. They are Miss Leone's Habanero Stuffed Olives - 12oz with probably a total of 18 to 20 olives. Queen olives where each one has 2 good size slices of orange hab. Not much heat right away, but then it kicks in. You get a good burn for a good while after you have consumed.

here is a link for them:

Miss Leone's Olives

the prices on the link are on the high end (i paid $7). I was just looking and it looks like from Sam's Club you can buy a box of 6 assorted and it's only $5/jar (w/o s&h).
i brought these along with me to work to eat at lunch. Needless to say only 2 guys tried them - everyone else was like NO WAY!
peter pepper said:
i brought these along with me to work to eat at lunch. Needless to say only 2 guys tried them - everyone else was like NO WAY!

That's strange. They sound good.
I've bought them under the name "rocket olives". I use them to make some KILLER dirty martinis. Nothing like telling someone about your "dirty rocket" martini.
I have seen them sold as Lizard Eyes too Potawie. I think the brand name was Crazy Jerry's. I love hab stuffed olives.
cheezydemon said:
Hate to say it, I have been getting hab stuffed olives at Wal Mart for years....not exactly rare.;)

i've never seen them at my wal-mart - must just vary from store to store. i know that they are around just have to find them. This is my first jar and i must say i should have bought them sooner.

one of the guys at my work that tried it said it would be great in a martini like Sickmont suggested - a little vodka, one of the olives and little of the juice from the jar. crap need to go get vodka now...
JayT said:
I have seen them sold as Lizard Eyes too Potawie. I think the brand name was Crazy Jerry's. I love hab stuffed olives.

they are called "Crazy Jerry's Lizard Eyes Habanero Stuffed Olives" and there is one by Southwest Specialty foods called "Habanero Stuffed Olives from Hell"