• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HabaneroHead Glog 2012 - Better late than never - Picture Heavy

Hi PepperHeads!

It's been a while since I posted anything about my peppers, but it does not mean I was not following what's going on THP. As usual I did not only get inspiration, but also useful hints and kindness from the team members. And on the top of that, I managed to infect some of my friends, my family and my girlfriend with this addiction. :P

Anyways, ling story short, last december Jack and Ela (aka Superhot and Ela on this forum) was so kind and sent me a batch of seeds (thank you for that, again):
- Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
- Fatalii Red/Yellow
- Tobago Seasoning
- Naga Morich
- Trinidad Scorpion CARDI Yellow

Unfortunately I could not make the Fatalii and Tobago Seasoning germinated, probably I cooked them with my reptile heat mat.

So the varieties I have now:
- Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (6)
- Naga Morich (4)
- Trinidad Scorpion CARDI Yellow (4)
- Bishop's Crown (2)
- Golden Habanero (6)
- Red Habanero (8)
- Aji Lemon Drop (7)

I was not taking into consideration the overwintered red habs, since I am not sure how they will perform, but I was giving them a chance, and they are trying to do their best in the ground.

Let's see some pics now!

6th of March 2012


Store bought Golden Habanero, i was taking out the seeds. Out of 10 seeds, 8 germinated, and now I have 6 healthy plants


My Bonchi, which I was making to my girlfriend, and it successfully survived the winter:

1st of April 2012
My babies having sunbath


Bhut doing weird things, I thought the stem may stay in this shape (what a Bonchi!), but in few weeks it straightened.

Superhots are doing well

Aji Lemon Drop: tall, but has strong stem. They were getting the same light, ferts etc, but they are a little bit of leggy.
Thank you, Guys! The hardest thing I had to re-learn this season is not to overwater them :rolleyes:

An now, some more pics, taken on the 28th of April
The black square pots are 18cm high (just for your reference)

Naga Morich

Bhut Jolokia

Bhut closeup

Another closeup

Bhut-Naga: brothers

Windowsill started to get crowded

Red Habaneros

Cool grow! Im a big fan of the look of the yellow Cardi scorps. hope yours turn out well! are you only using window light for your plants? They look great!
Small update. Sorry about the crappy pictures, but I made these with my phone...
Anyways, long story short: I managed to take almost all of my peppers to my parents, since they have a nice garden where there is more space than in my 34 squaremeter flat.
I am following 3 strategies, based on my previous year experience:
- Planted them to the garden soil, directly (overall 18 plants + 4 overwintered Red Hab)
- Planted them to grow-bags and buried them to the ground (7 plants: 3 Bhut Indian Carbon, 1 TS CARDI Yellow, 1 Naga Morich, 2 Red Hab)
- Planted them to pots (1 Bhut, 1 Naga Morich, 1 TS to 5 gal pots, the rest is just temporary solution, until I can plant them out (overall 10 plants)

The reason I am making the above portfolio is to be on the safe side, and multiply my chances in order to get some pods I can save save seeds from. On the other hand if everything goes fine, I will have more peppers I can do anything with. :P

The grow bag idea is coming from my Mother: in late September when we have the first frosts, we can just dig them out and put them to the polytunnel, so I can extend my short growing season.

On these pics the peppers seem to be yellow, but it is due to only the light conditions and the quality of my camera. On the first days after the plantout we had temps above 30 Celsius, which is quite unusual in May. Despite the summer heat they just did fine. Now I am worried about the low temps (around 5 degrees night temp) in the next couple of days...

1st of May 2012

Bhut Jolokia Grow bag:

Naga Morich Grow bag:

TS CARDI Yellow Grow bag:

Bhut Jolokia in pot:

Seven plants in Grow bags

Plants in the ground, right row is mainly Aji Lemon Drops (7 plants)

Same, from different angle:

Bonchi - Overwintered Red Hab
Every things looks great. :party: I love your way of not putting all you eggs in one basket :dance:

Thanks Jamie,

We have to be smart since the weather is unpredictable. We had 32 Celsius on the 1st of May, and now, on the 14th of May we have 5 Celsius... If only one of each variety survives this season and produces pods, I will be happy with that. :dance:

Sounds like a good strategy! and lovin the looks are the garden there.
Thanks Beehunter,

It will turn out soon whether I was too quick with the plantout or not. (I was) My Mom reported that there was some yellowing appearing mostly on the Aji Lemon Drops, but IMO it is due to the low temps and the heavy rains we had in the last two weeks. Let's cross our fingers they will recover! Will post new pics about them at the weekend.
I had 3°C last night, freezing cold (no heating) plants are still alive.


Hi Mezo,

Thanks, that sounds great! The weather gets warmer here, so I am not worried anymore :P Maybe just a little bit because of the possible hailstorms, but that is life...and life sucks sometimes :dance:

Nice grow you got going man!

Thank you, Jamison!

Plants look good, lighting makes the pics look dreamlike...

Thanks Spicegeist! Yeah, lighting and the camera :rolleyes:

No pepper pics for today, but I thought I would show you the quality of the pics I (I am total newbie in taking photos) I could make with using my gf's Nikon D5100. Although I beleive the quality of them was only a coincidence, if I look at the rest of them. :P

Houses of Parliament

Buda Castle
that castle pic is awesome,,im going right now and look up about her...

peppers looking awesome and green also,,,good luck with the grow.
Hi PepperHeads!

Thank you for watching and following my little grow log.
It is time for the next update!
It took me more than 1 hour to upload 14 pics to the Photobucket, from my parent's PC... PC is ok, internet connection sucks... Gonna advise them to change the service provider... :rofl:
Anyways, here we go.

19th of May 2012

As you may know, almost all of my peppers are at my parent's house, in buried-grow bags, pots, and in the ground.
The weather was unpredictable in the last weeks, I planted them out in 32 Celsius, and yesterday morning we had 5 Celsius...
Since my Mom watered the pots weekly, and the weather was cold, they are a little bit of overwatered, but nothing which cannot be fixed.
The leafes of the Bhut Jolokia started to curl downwards, which IMO due to the overwatering, and maybe the lack of the calcium, so no more water in the next week, and we apply some calcium-nitrate in the foliar feed to correct the symptoms.

Bhut Jolokia, leaf curl.


Due to the leaf curl, the same Bhut plant started to pump out the side branches: Shall I pinch out some of them?

Same Bhut, pic about the entire plant, sitting in an 5 gal pot

TS CARDI Yellow, in the front 5 gal pot

Same plant and my hand, just for the comparison :P

TS CARDI Yellow in 0.5 gal pot, doing just fine

Golden Habanero - 4 plants in pots

Red Habanero in 2 gal pot, curling leafes...

Pic about most of them

Eh... This rotate function is not really working yet... I rotated the pics in the Photobucket, saved, replaced them, now it is showing ok there, but after linking the image code to this forum, it sucks again... Anybody knows how it could be fixed?
It is time for some update, hope you will enjoy! :P
They got some sunburn, but I hope they will recover soon.

Superhot row

Naga Morich


Bhut Jolokia

Ok I give up... All the photos are looking ok in Photobucket after rotating and saving them...But after pasting the image code to the forum it gets bad.
Anyone knows how I can fix it??? :tear: